Closure doesn’t always make a perfect circle

February 12, 2012

There’s a lot of talk these days about closure. It implies that we’ve reached a deeper understanding of something in our lives and that we can now put it to rest with a sense of peace.

Uh, maybe that’s not what it means after all.

Sometimes closure comes differently than you expected. Sometimes it’s an acceptance of a terrible situation that you can’t change, as much as you’d like to.

That the unthinkable is, in fact, thinkable and even true.

Closure doesn’t always bring with it warm thoughts and peace. Some hard truths are not all that comforting.

An ex once said to me “You think you can make anything happen just by force of will.” I did think that, once. But not now.

I don’t know about “never,” but I have learned recently that closure doesn’t always make a circle, and it’s a daunting thought.

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