Clueless has never felt so good

July 31, 2009

The guy who handles my money called this morning.

When we put my fabulous husband on my accounts, we got some paperwork, some of which he declined to sign. Because he is a securities lawyer. And knows about these things.

I told my investment guy that I was entirely clueless about the significance of this, and now that I was married to a securities/banking lawyer, I was happy to remain clueless, except as necessary.

As deemed by my fabulous husband.

After almost 30 years of working around it, cluelessness has never felt so good.

Trust me on that.

I have enough stuff that I’m clueless about to deal with. Like my major roof repair. The screen fix. And other such matters.

A middle-aged-diva can only handle so much complexity in her life.

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