Constant Craving

July 27, 2009

(with apologies to KD Lang for the title…)

There’s nothing like that huge burst of energy you get once the carbs are out of your system, your system is working clean and you’re clearly burning fat.

It’s what got me through Trainer Tom’s workout today plus a kicked-up cardio routine.

When I got home, I had a chicken breast marinated in Chai Thai Teriyaki from Intensity Academy (yes, getting addicted to that marinade), some broccoli and cauliflower. Riley also enjoyed the cauliflower.

But after lunch, something was missing.

Like a couple of huge chocolate donuts. 😉 Man that sounds good. NOTHING sounds as good as that right now.

Instead, I boiled up some water and had my faux hot chocolate. YUM! I feel completely satisfied.

NOT. At least my inside stomach doesn’t. But my outside stomach is loving being smaller. My workout was easier.

Things are going very well on the nutrition front. I won’t pretend it’s fun, because I pretty much do not enjoy the menu.

Cravings. Well, I’m so over bread, but I’d kill for a piece of fruit, forbidden for 7 more weeks. Don’t come near me with a serving of melon because if you get too close, I’m liable to snatch it right out of your hands.

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