January 5, 2012

Got wisdom to share?

And for sharing it, want to win a copy of The Diva Doctrine: 16 Universal Principles Every Woman Needs to Know? by Patricia V. Davis, rockin’ author and Middle-aged-Diva blog reader.

Yep. She reads this very blog, same as you.

Easy. Just answer this question below on this blog. Or, on Facebook. Or Google+.

One lucky winner will be drawn randomly this Sunday.

Unless we have 20 or more entrants, in which case Patricia will make TWO copies available–TWO winners.

Here’s the question:

If you could go back in time
and tell your younger self only ONE thing,
what would it be?

Answer in comments section below, on Facebook or Google+.

Why do you want this book? I’ll tell you why: its message about developing confidence and self-esteem is so good it has resonated with readers in a big way: it got 4.5 stars on Amazon, in fact.

I was shocked at the number of younger women I met at BlogHer last summer who openly discussed how their serious self-esteem issues limit their lives. Is there a young woman in your life who might feel the same way–even if she doesn’t talk so openly about it?

This is a book you will want to read, give to your teenage daughter, granddaughter, younger friends, peers–Patricia breaks it down with humor, insight and compassion and I agree with everything she says. That’s my copy in the photo above.

Share your wisdom with other readers….and good luck!

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