And for sharing it, want to win a copy of The Diva Doctrine: 16 Universal Principles Every Woman Needs to Know? by Patricia V. Davis, rockin’ author and Middle-aged-Diva blog reader.
Yep. She reads this very blog, same as you.
Easy. Just answer this question below on this blog. Or, on Facebook. Or Google+.
One lucky winner will be drawn randomly this Sunday.
Unless we have 20 or more entrants, in which case Patricia will make TWO copies available–TWO winners.
Here’s the question:
If you could go back in time and tell your younger self only ONE thing, what would it be?
Answer in comments section below, on Facebook or Google+.
Why do you want this book? I’ll tell you why: its message about developing confidence and self-esteem is so good it has resonated with readers in a big way: it got 4.5 stars on Amazon, in fact.
I was shocked at the number of younger women I met at BlogHer last summer who openly discussed how their serious self-esteem issues limit their lives. Is there a young woman in your life who might feel the same way–even if she doesn’t talk so openly about it?
This is a book you will want to read, give to your teenage daughter, granddaughter, younger friends, peers–Patricia breaks it down with humor, insight and compassion and I agree with everything she says. That’s my copy in the photo above.
Share your wisdom with other readers….and good luck!
Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.
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