Wandering around the internet you can come across some pretty cool things. Like Cool People Care, a socially responsible company that markets products with a message–and donates a portion of the proceeds to causes represented by the goods. It’s making a difference and providing an opportunity for others to do the same … AND own some cool stuff.
Let me show you a few of the products they sent me to review and let co-founder and CEO Sam Davidson tell you about the vision behind the company. He says that the company “funds lots of groups doing lots of good things” and you’ll see how that’s so. And maybe want to buy some here, at the online store. But, first:
This poster is on my fridge.
How did you come up with the idea for this business? Cool People Care began way back in 2006 with a friend – Stephen Moseley. He and I met working for a nonprofit organization in Nashville and saw an opportunity to connect charities with people looking to make a difference, but unsure of where to begin.
Since this was the early days of social media (anyone remember MySpace?), he and I built a social network that allowed any US-based 501(c)3 to list volunteer opportunities, events, etc. We’d then cultivate an audience by a daily, actionable way to make a difference. Our goal was to mobilize as many people as possible toward causes that matter to them. Our philosophy was simple: it’s cool when people care.
Like this t-shirt? Support animal charities.
What organizations do your products support? How do you determine the amount they get?
We support a wide variety of organizations through our merchandise. Organizations are welcome to contact us with special projects they’re working on and we can then look at ways to help. Our causes have ranged from disaster relief organizations working in places like Oklahoma and Texas to community foundations in Nashville.
Love this t-shirt. Talk about current!
If people want to support a particular cause, can you help them identify a fit?
Sure! We’ve got nearly 20 issues represented now, including:
– education
– animal rescue and adoption
– tree planting
– clean water
– veterans care
– women’s rights
– manatee protection
– breast cancer research
– marriage equality
What’s new and in the works now?
Ha! Right now, we’re just trying to keep up with all the folks who want to wear our gear while telling the world they care. We aim to release a handful of new designs (related to new issues) each year so the movement keeps growing.
…about the environment.
If you’re all about hope, you’ll love this one as much as I do:
We invite you to visit Cool People Care here, and explore the products related to causes you’d like to support.
I just love to learn about companies that are so dedicated to making the world a better place. We need more of that. The T-shirts are great. Awesome post!
LOVE this! My cousin runs a very cool cat-rescue organization here in Maine, so I want to see if she’s aware of this organization and if there’s a fit for her group. And I now have another great place for online shopping. Thanks, Carol!
I LOVE THIS!!! People investing in people for the good of people!
A good family friend here in the Edmonton area started an ethical coffee company along the same lines. Good Coffee, it’s called and he uses coffee picked by two heretofore unknown villages where workers are paid above-average wages and the profits reinvested back into the communities. It’s amazing what they have accomplished in just a few short years! http://www.dogoodcoffee.ca
I’m heading to the Cool People Care site. Companies like this need our support!
I love their name! I haven’t heard of them, glad you did an interview, it’s always nice to hear about people doing good things in the world and how I can help!
Cool people care…I love that! Especially in a society that’s so quick to promote cutting of and giving no “f**ks”. Love the shirts so and the poster on your fridge is wonderful!! A great reminder for us all 🙂
What a cool way to get involved! Thanks for spreading awareness of all the good cause available. The t-shirt with spill love not oil is the cutest! I help by giving to missionary cause.
Like what I always say, I love supporting companies that are connected to charities or donating for a good cause. I am loving their products and they have such passion for what they do! It’s amazing!
Hearing about Cool People Care for the first time, but their concept is quiet amazing and it is great that they are supporting a wide variety of organizations through their merchandise. Anything that could help others is amazing and I am going to check it out!
Hearing about Cool People Care for the first time, but their concept is quiet amazing and it is great that they are supporting a wide variety of organizations through their merchandise. cool pictures of animals
This is doing business with the heart firmly in the right place! Let me commend and congratulate these people by giving back to society while making money.
Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.
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These are awesome! Thanks.
I love these! What a great way to support a terrific cause. I’m off to check out their site. Thanks for sharing!
These are so neat. I love that they are helping people too.
Wow! Those shirts are awesome!
Might have to finish up the Christmas shopping on this site today. I love seeing business give back to others.
What a fun way to get involved!! Checking them out now.
Wonder if they ever produce for small retailers?
Always like to learn about new, GOOD organizations. Thanks for the share.
Love another great gifting option (and, maybe just a gift for myself!!)!! <3
I just love to learn about companies that are so dedicated to making the world a better place. We need more of that. The T-shirts are great. Awesome post!
I love hearing about small business. Thanks for sharing!
I didn’t know this site existed until now! I believe I know where I’ll be doing the remainder of my online shopping! Thanks for showing us this.
LOVE this! My cousin runs a very cool cat-rescue organization here in Maine, so I want to see if she’s aware of this organization and if there’s a fit for her group. And I now have another great place for online shopping. Thanks, Carol!
What a cool organization! Love what they do!
How cool! I love how it helps others.
I LOVE THIS!!! People investing in people for the good of people!
A good family friend here in the Edmonton area started an ethical coffee company along the same lines. Good Coffee, it’s called and he uses coffee picked by two heretofore unknown villages where workers are paid above-average wages and the profits reinvested back into the communities. It’s amazing what they have accomplished in just a few short years! http://www.dogoodcoffee.ca
I’m heading to the Cool People Care site. Companies like this need our support!
What a great cause!! Thank you so much for sharing!!
Nice to see a company who cares and is doing well in business
What a fun way to support a charity by wearing a T shirt – and the one’s featured are pretty cool too ????
These t’shirts are great. I’m going to check out the site too!
oh interesting products.
I love their name! I haven’t heard of them, glad you did an interview, it’s always nice to hear about people doing good things in the world and how I can help!
OMG I love this! I will have to get one, or all!
I love it when people give back to others, and there are some great designs on here as well!
i love seeing post like this, you are all angels! I would like to join this project sometime, I wih I could !
I love companies that not only have great products, but also help for a great cause! I will be checking out their website, thank you!
loved these – really cool pictures and great causes!
I love the dog t-shirt! Those are such great and unique products.
This is really cool! Love this good cause!
What a great business initiative! Loving that fridge magnet – definitely going to check out their range of products!
Cool people care…I love that! Especially in a society that’s so quick to promote cutting of and giving no “f**ks”. Love the shirts so and the poster on your fridge is wonderful!! A great reminder for us all 🙂
What a nice initiative for a great cause! Thank you for sharing 🙂
As an advocate myself I will definitely be checking out cool people, I like that they support women’s rights and marriage equality.
I love the idea behind the organization!
Isaly Holland
I love the name of the company. It caught my attention immediately. The concept is wonderful and makes giving back easier.
What a cool way to get involved! Thanks for spreading awareness of all the good cause available. The t-shirt with spill love not oil is the cutest! I help by giving to missionary cause.
What cute stuff!
Like what I always say, I love supporting companies that are connected to charities or donating for a good cause. I am loving their products and they have such passion for what they do! It’s amazing!
First of all, great interview! And second, this is such a great company! I love what they’re doing to help different organizations!
Love their business concept! Thank you for sharing, will recommend them to my friends living in the US. 🙂
I love that you’ve listed so many options. The manatees made me smile, that’s a big one for me.
I love companies that give back! All of these items are so cute too.
Hearing about Cool People Care for the first time, but their concept is quiet amazing and it is great that they are supporting a wide variety of organizations through their merchandise. Anything that could help others is amazing and I am going to check it out!
What an amazing concept cool people sounds like. Thanks for sharing!
Hearing about Cool People Care for the first time, but their concept is quiet amazing and it is great that they are supporting a wide variety of organizations through their merchandise. cool pictures of animals
This is doing business with the heart firmly in the right place! Let me commend and congratulate these people by giving back to society while making money.