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One of my favorite quotes is the “A year from now….” quote. It inspires me on a regular basis. Just starting my own blog came from the push of that quote.
What a great thought and inspoiration! Thanks
I completely agree! I was just saying the same thing last night, if you want your life to be different, be different!
Absolutely. Nothing changes unless you start.
Yes, we have the power to rewrite our own story! Love this. 🙂
Nothing worth having is easy. The good things take work.
Short and beautifully said.
The standard refrain… If not now, when?
What a great and motivating post. I’m going to look back at this post when I’m feeling discouraged.
This is such a great post Carol! You are so right when you stated, “If you don’t like your story the way it is now, rewrite it. The problem with many people is they are afraid of failing. However, they don’t realize that failing is when we don’t try at all.
Thankfully I KNOW this and I do this! I dictate my future! 🙂
Such a powerful reminder, thank you <3 <3
I’ll give it a whirl! Yes, a lot of work but oh, so worth it!
Oh, this is so true, Carol! And right now, we MUST not give up. Follow our dreams. Make sure that we keep on living our lives and achieving our goals no matter what is going on in the world!
So true. I needed this reminder today. Thanks,Carol!
Oh boy, I’m going to need a much bigger book!
I completely agree, but it could be hard to live by.
Amen! I had to learn that for myself and now I have the power to change my own story.
I love this, super inspiring!
Oh I so agree! Life is what you make it and it is too short as it is, so my philosophy is to grab life by the horns and live each day as full as possible – although it has taken me 50 years to realise that!!
Why wait to rewrite our story! This is such and encouraging post! We must start now so we aren’t sitting a year from now in the same exact spot we could be in right now…wishing we could rewrite our story.
These words ring true for anyone who is looking to breathe life into a project/their dreams. I think a lot of the times we think everything is written in stone, and that your path to success is linear. It’s however you’d like it to be.
Yes, I so agree with this! I’ve had to change my story a few times.
Just what I needed! Lots of inspiration! Great tips, so helpful!
This is a life-changing reminder. I think I’m going to post the words “At any given moment” all over my house.
There’s no perfect timing for starting your life, it’s all up to you. From making a decision to standing up and moving towards making that happen, that’s all on us and we won’t accomplish anything if we just sit down and wait. We can’t rely on anyone but ourselves.
YES! I needed to read this. Things need to change in my life and i am making small changes this month, in order to start the new year Fresh! New leaf and new attitude to go with it.
I love reading this blog. So meaningful and very inspiring. Thank you for sharing this.
Great post! I know my life is just starting and not ready for the end i’m always praying for god and thank him for giving blessing to me that’s why i love my life and my family.
This post can change your life it’s a tips for you. You really need to read this because this is really inspiring and force you to make your goals. And starts your goals and achieve it. This is really great post!
This is so inspiring! Often times we have opportunities right in front of us that can improve our lives, however we don’t grab them.
A few months ago, I came across this meme of Facebook that said, “I was not born on this earth only to pay bills and die.” That had such a big impact on me that I made changes in my life. Although I have not yet achieved what I want to achieve, at least I know I will get there, even if it would take lots of baby steps.
this is pretty much where i am right now. especiallly as i close out the year, i take a step back and re-direct where i want to be.
Omg just love this!!!! I so agree…. if you don’t like life, choose a different route!
I just said the same thing to my sister in law, about making today the day. I don’t want to look back on taday ten years from now and think I should have done something.
This is a nice reminder! Need this quote today. Thanks
Absolutely true! I made this decision two years ago and I have not looked back! Thank you for inspiring ❤️
I needed this so much today. Thank you!
Perfecto! you have no idea how much i needed to read that right now. I’ve had this crushing feeling that i hadn’t accomplished anything worthwhile this year. I know I know i did but a part of me just feels worthless. Thanks for the encouragement to keep moving forward