Culver Road

July 7, 2011
I remember the first time someone who had been to Rochester, NY
told me they thought it was beautiful.
I was completely taken aback.

But on this trip, which has been lighter and more fun
than any I’ve made since my mother died,
I am seeing our hometown with new eyes,
and it is beautiful.
Mature trees stand solid and green,
providing a canopy over the entire city.

The photo is Culver Road. My father’s pediatric office stood on this street,
in a building he and his father built with their own two hands.
This is that building, sold after he left the practice of medicine
and now a day care center.
Upstairs was an apartment in which my parents began their married life
in 1948, and my siblings and I began our own lives a few years later.
We moved when I was in the first grade.
This was the entrance to our apartment, just around the side street.
The upstairs deck stood off the kitchen and the fenced yard was our play area.

We enjoyed all our walks down Memory Lane
this week, and I’ll be posting photos and commentary
every so often.

If you’ve taken your own walk through the past,
I’d love to know how it was for you.

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