Cupcake of the day ~ volcanic dark chocolate

September 18, 2010

I love the ganache on this clearly home-made cupcake. It cascades like the start of some sort of sweet lava flow.

And it’s not all piled up on top in a thick heap, so it’s easy to take a bite that gives you a chunk of cake along with the dark, sweet topping.

Which brings me to cold milk. A dark chocolate cupcake requires a small glass of icy-cold milk. I prefer non-fat milk, so it doesn’t distract from the richness of the cupcake. There’s really nothing better.

Dark chocolate has health benefits, too. Dig in, kids! {and then scroll down for another healthy living tip!)

3 comments on “Cupcake of the day ~ volcanic dark chocolate
  1. Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou says:

    Whoa ….. serious deliciousness! Love that ganache topping!

  2. Monique says:

    OMG! Find a way to make that low-carb so it is Pompe (read:me) friendly and you will be my hero!


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