Curiosity did not kill every cat.

March 29, 2013

Curiosity didn’t kill every cat.
It sent some down new paths.
I love the adventure of new paths,
that not knowing what’s around the next bend
in the road.
No looking back, either;
eyes always on the road ahead.
What’s next?
and after that?
Some people call it 
“a short attention span.”
I call it 
“living an interesting life.”
A friend of mine is a little like that, too.
He admits that he can be going down one path
with ultimate focus
only to see something dart in another direction
and whip his head around and yell
“Squirrel!” and follow it down a new road.
I love that.
Squirrels have been responsible for just about
every interesting thing I’ve ever done with my life.
So if you see one dart by,
turn and follow it.
Great adventures await!
4 comments on “Curiosity did not kill every cat.
  1. Graciewilde says:

    Most recently, i decided that three words that I want to define the remainder of my life are adventure, beauty, and curiosity!

  2. Jane Gassner says:

    I am definitely a squirrel chaser. It has gotten me all the good things in my life. It has also gotten me in trouble–because the world doesn’t approve of squirrel chasers.

  3. Usually I am a stick to the chosen path person. It helps me get things done. But the occasional squirrel is good!

  4. I’ve always been a follow the leader person, but I’m sick of that approach. In 2012 I decided I’m busting out and see what happens.

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