Daily prayer, the corruption of religion & other such thoughts

April 6, 2012

The call to prayer became part of the fabric of our every day life while we were in Morocco, and in a way, it was strangely comforting. The video below gives you an idea of the sound. This one was …. I can’t even remember where it was, we saw so many mosques.

Ok, M. looked it up. It was at Moula Ismail Mausoleum in Meknes, I think, so the video title’s wrong. But it’s worth hearing.
Since our trip and my first close-up exposure to Islam, I’ve been going ’round and ’round about Islam and whether the Islam we see in headlines isn’t the real faith but a version corrupted by fundamentalists — just like Christianity has been. On the other hand, in Morocco, we were exposed to a gentle version of it. As Michael says, the “Chamber of Commerce” version.

Still thinking.  But regardless, regular, daily prayer can’t be a bad thing, can it?


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