The day’s gifts

July 1, 2016


Each day comes bearing its own gifts.
Untie the ribbon.*

How many of us start or end our days with this thought as a daily ritual? Or even consider it at all?

I know I don’t.  But wouldn’t it be a lovely practice?

So many of us (me included) start some days with the unconscious thought, what fresh hell awaits me today?

If our thoughts are like magnets, attracting what we put out there, and I believe they are, is that really what we want to bring toward us?

It’s not uncommon to set an intention for the day, but are we awake enough to recognize the gifts each day bears? Because even in the worst of times, there’s some wisdom, a happy moment, something to be grateful for. I love that image of the bicycle, because the gifts are not the first thing we see. We have to look at the photo a moment or two before the wrapped gifts are present for us.

I’m as unconscious as anyone about my days, living them as they come up, moment my moment, with little thought of the treasures they may present. I’d like to change that.

I’d like to set my intention first thing each day and end each night with a review of the gifts the day gave me. A daily review sounds so wonderful to me.

Daily rituals are hard for me to adhere to. I don’t always remember, even after I’ve done them awhile. Something for me to work on.

Do you have a daily ritual? How have you made it a habit?


*Ruth Ann Schabacker


20 comments on “The day’s gifts
  1. Leanne says:

    I always try to start my day by praying a blessing on myself, my husband and my children. It feels like I am handing our day over to God’s guidance and hopefully we’ll do everything to our best. I do like the idea of untying the ribbon to open the daily gifts – a really positive thought and remembering to say thankyou at the end is even nicer!

  2. Joanna says:

    i don’t really have a morning ritual, I usually start my days with reading the news and checking my emails. Sometimes there is good news in there and I cheer up. Sometimes I just go on with the day. I like the idea of thinking of the good things that happened trough the day as daily gifts.

  3. Cait says:

    This is such a lovely post. You’re absolutely right. We should all try to make an effort to greet the day and what it offers. I think we attract what we put into the universe too.

    – Cait |

  4. Linda says:

    The whole family has rituals. Each individual person, we also use routines, and systems. With our large family, it just makes things run smoother.

  5. Peggy says:

    It’s become a habit for me to wake up and say Thank You. Thank you in general for my breath, for waking up, for another day, for sunshine (or rain), for coffee, for breakfast, for running water, for hot water, for a man who loves me, for my laptop, for my journal, for work, for a new kayak, for having enough, for being enough. Yes. Thank you.

  6. Barbara says:

    Back in the late ’90’s,I was hooked on Oprah’s shows with Gary Zukav, Seat of the Soul, and Sarah Ban Breathnach, Simple Abundance, and many others. I had read Simple Abundance and things weren’t going well in my marriage and life in general so I was absorbed into Oprah’s self-help series. I started a Gratitude Journal and kept it up for about 15 years. It is amazing how your life can change for the better when you start focusing on the good instead of the bad. But, it takes a conscious effort.
    I’m ready to begin again with the gratitude journal. It got me through some really rough times and, ironically when our marriage came back together after Dave’s near death adventure with lymphoma, I stopped doing it. It’s time to focus on the good.
    Thanks so much for this reminder, Carol.

  7. gloria Kaye says:

    That is a great photo and I will try to remember it tonight and tomorrow morning! Lovely sentiments in your post. My first thought upon waking is most often: There is SO much to do, where do I begin? Do I really have to do a workout first? Can’t I just drink my coffee and read email?
    When I find myself stuck on negative thoughts or all the things I “should have” done, I try to stop myself. It’s not always easy to focus on all the good parts of your day and your life, but wanting to is the first step.
    Thanks for the reminder.

  8. I give thanks each night for that day’s blessings, but pretty much just roll out of bed each morning and start the day. I like your new tradition much better! Thanks for the inspiration.

  9. Lee Gaitan says:

    It’s such a small thing, yet I believe, like you, that it can make an enormous difference in our attitude and I believe so much of what flows to and from us starts with attitude. It takes such a small amount of discipline to adhere to these practices and yet I find myself skipping days at a time, especially when the “gifts” of the day were more subtle. Thanks for reminding me to look at every day through the lens of gratitude.!

  10. sue says:

    I try to start the day with a grateful heart and think of three things in life i am grateful for. Sometimes life gets in the way but if we start the day with positive thoughts we can then cope with whatever the day throws at us.

  11. Sherry Nappa says:

    I love to collect my thoughts in the morning, then organize whatever it is I want to do for the day. It’s calming to do this first thing in the morning. I don’t feel rushed or pressured all day. I love your photo!

  12. Elizabeth O. says:

    It’s all about having a positive mindset and it would be nice to start the day with such a lovely thought. I always think about the good things that happened to me that day especially when I am faced with stress at work or at home.

  13. I thank God for having kept me safe through the night and for all His many blessings. I’ve noticed, on the days I fail to do this, I can turn into a real grouch.

  14. Nicole Escat says:

    It is always important to start and end your day asking for grace. It is also important to thank Him for all He has done.

  15. I think I need to get my daily habit back, which was soaking in a hot tub at the end of the day. I do believe every new day is full of gifts – sometimes you just have to look a little harder to discover them.

  16. One of my daily rituals happens before I am even out of bed. I roll around, rub my feet against the sheets, hug my pillow and bask in the bliss of waking, life and the fact that I am truly blessed.

  17. peace kairu says:

    woow thanks very much for the reminder I start then I stop, I guess its all about the patience to see the benefits because there is a lot to change in the unconscious that i am not aware of. I shall re-begin and stick to it.

  18. There is one daily ritual I always have. I lock myself in the bathroom and just stretch and breathe for five minutes. It helps me get ready for the day.

  19. Ayesha Heart says:

    I start my day with talking to God. Surrender the day to him and enjoy it. Great post! Thanks for sharing.

  20. Cori says:

    I make a list of what I’d like to accomplish for the day on a 7 am to 9 pm layout with half-hour increments. Why? Those are the hours I’m awake and I know I can only do so much in a day. It helps me from over scheduling.

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  1. […] PS: for more on Gratitude, check out Carol Cassera’s Daily Ritual. […]

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