Damn good advice

June 11, 2011
by artist Tad Lauritzen Wright

There’s some damn good advice in there.

What’s the best advice you ever received?

{I know. I found this artist and can’t stop posting his stuff.}

5 comments on “Damn good advice
  1. Oriah says:

    Never apologize for what you do well.

  2. Oriah says:

    Never apologize for what you do well.

  3. Care says:

    The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Thankfully it doesn’t stop there; fear evolves into devotion and ends in wisdom. Priceless.

    Thanx for asking, Carol.

  4. Hi Care,
    Thanks for stopping by to comment. I hope all sorts of good things are going on in your life these days.

  5. Oriah, isn’t it funny how women tend to do that, but men rarely do?

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