Dare to be yourself

July 12, 2019

be-yourselfA friend is someone with whom you dare to be yourself. – Frank Crane

This about sums it up, doesn’t it?

Friendships ebb and wane, come and go. But the very best friends feel like an old shoe, a pair of comfy sweats, a cushy mattress. There’s no pressure. There’s no BS. There’s no competition. You just connect, heart to heart, soul to soul. And laugh to laugh.

The best thing is, there’s no end to new friends you can make, friends who make you feel just this way: that you can dare to be yourself.

Have you heard a better definition of friendship? If so, I’d love for you to share it in the Comments.

And if you aren’t already a subscriber over at A Healing Spirit, you might want to check it out. I blog a lot about friendship; it’s one of my favorite topics. Also subscribers get freebies of all kinds, so check it out!

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One comment on “Dare to be yourself
  1. Mike Wright says:

    A friend is someone whom you can share the crazy stuff, the stupid problem and the harsh truth and more important a friendship when ones ready to help in midnight and without judging… 🙂 Thanks for the post.. 🙂

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