Demonstrations of faith

May 24, 2011

Most of us never doubted that we’d all
still be here on May 22. But the guy who did the Biblical math says he’s
“flabbergasted” that we are.

I guess that’s why they call it “faith.”

I wonder, do doctors and nurses who work so close to death
have more faith? or less?

And then I remember the excellent doctor who took care of
my mother in her final illness. He was relatively
young, maybe in his 40s, and his bedside manner was not particularly
warm and fuzzy.

When it became clear that she would not survive, he went to her bedside
and took her hand. She was barely conscious.

“Sandy,” he said, “Your body is dying.
We’ll do everything possible to make you comfortable.”

He paused for just a split second,
then looked her deeply in the eyes and said:

“I will see you again.”

It was unexpected.

I’m sure he doesn’t know what an impact
it had on me, but I still think about his
tangible demonstration of faith.

Has anyone ever demonstrated their faith to you in a powerful way?

2 comments on “Demonstrations of faith
  1. Kelly says:

    that is unforgettably beautiful. I love it so much…the words of your mother’s doctor. That is very …um…for lack of a better word…cool! I LOVE it when people who seem impenetrable or immovable, or dipped and coated in empirical knowledge alone show themselves in little surprising ways like that. LOVE IT!!

  2. Thanks, Kel. I hadn’t thought about it in a very long time, but then, this week, I did. I’m sure many people thought this doctor was kind of a di_k. But turns out, he wasn’t. A lesson.

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