
August 3, 2009

A chocolate muffin made with Splenda and soy flour is not a chocolate muffin. In fact, it’s no kind of muffin at all.

Having a dog that wants to help you bake (be held so he can watch you mix batter, lick the spoon, etc.) is akin to having a three-year old child.

It is possible to be too tired and sleep-deprived to do something you really want to do.

Which is why I am finally suspicious when someone I know who claimed she was too sick to hold a job was not sick enough to stay home from multiple vacations that other people were paying for. It took me a LOONG time to catch on. Taking people at face value can be both a weakness and a strength.

It is perfectly reasonable to be really hungry but despise protein and vegetables so much that you’d rather not eat at all than sautee steak and onions for dinner. Day 10.

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