Discovering possibilities

April 8, 2010
I never thought I was a creative person.
Then, about eight years ago, a friend took me to paint ceramics.
It was so fun. And I made painted a few things that would fall into the creative category.
A small step. But one that turned my view of myself sideways.

She also taught me a little about water coloring. I tried to paint a tomato and to my shock, the result actually LOOKED like a tomato.

Oh, the stories we tell ourselves about what we can and can’t do.
What we like and don’t like.

They hold us back from discoveries about our possibilities.

I love mixed media collage and would love to learn how to make them.

How about you?
Is there something outside your box that you think you can’t do but would love to?

Maybe this is the year to try it.

One comment on “Discovering possibilities
  1. Cheri says:

    I know I’d love to do this, too. Maybe when I retire …

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