Do we consciously create our lives?

May 18, 2011

We’re working on desire lines this week in memoir workshop and it’s started me thinking about what I’ve really wanted in my life.

When I moved to California in 1984, I asked myself, what did I really want? Did I even know? Was I running away from something or toward something?

Which led to this thought:

I’ve always felt like the creator of my own destiny.
But: has a good bit of my life actually been random?
Or driven by some unseen hand?
Were they decisions made for no conscious reason;
decisions that led me down paths
that created life opportunities accidentally?

Kierkegaard was right: We live our life forward but understand it backwards. Looking back with the seasoning of time, experiences and yes, even a bit of personal growth provides insights.

But how much of our motivation do we think out before we do make life changes?

What do you think? How many of us actually create our lives consciously? How big a role does fate play? Or is much of it random?

2 comments on “Do we consciously create our lives?
  1. TeacherGirl says:

    I’m reading a book called When God Winks and it’s amazing! It’s all about God winking at us through experiences. I really really believe in it and that all randomness is actually fate.

  2. TeacherGirl says:

    I’m reading a book called When God Winks and it’s amazing! It’s all about how God winks at us throughout life to remind us he’s there or lead us down a path. Looking back on SO many things, I really believe in that! My thought on it all is that all randomness is actually fate.

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