Dog with blog, again

June 26, 2015

Riley’s got the blog again. What’s not to like about a dog with blog?

Ri and toyWho’s that I see out of the corner of my eye?

Ri and toy2“Listen, buddy. You think you’re tough? You ain’t so tough.  I’m not sure who invited you here, but bug off!”

 Ri gazes upwIt’s salmon, right? Or maybe a liver treat? Maybe if I sit real pretty she’ll give me some.

riley face cu niceI hate when she gets the camera out just hours before my grooming. I am NOT ready for my closeup!

Ri yawnhHowever, I’m feeling kind of tired and ready for a nap.

20150621_153520Maybe I’ll sleep right here.

Riley royal pillowOne pillow isn’t enough for a king….& purple is the color of royalty. Just sayin’.

Ri howlingWho let the dogs out? Woof! Woof! Woof!


Riley patio MacJust finishing this post before she catches me!

well trainedRiley definitely has me trained, and M, too!

dogmomAnd for sure, I’m a proud dog mom and love my monkey so much.


50 comments on “Dog with blog, again
  1. ryder ziebarth says:

    Riley is the cutest. That was a touching and funny post. I love my Petal just as much ( A westie at 8 years old) and now my Atti ( Atticus Finch) -a year old, with equal heart. We also have George–king of the un-neutered hill here at Cedar Ridge Farm, a 10 year old Westie who belongs to my M. Boys vs the Girls. Small dogs have big personalities, don’t they?

  2. Kimba says:

    What a doll! “A dog with a blog” – I think you’re on to something!!

  3. Robin Rue (@massholemommy) says:

    Riley is very cute. Loved all your photos.

  4. It looks like you love your dog as much as I love mine!

  5. Riley is one of my favorite bloggers! Love the photos!

  6. He’s so cute! I’d love to know if he got any of the salmon or liver?

  7. Sandy says:

    Oh, Riley is the cutest! Cute post, too!

  8. Riley is absolutely adorable and precious and I really enjoyed the photos. I can tell that Riley is well loved and I loved this post.

  9. Carol Graham says:

    Well done — thanks for the Friday smile

  10. Estelle says:

    Riley is the cutest! My daughter would just adore him! Love his blog posts better than the ones I see from most people:)

  11. Riley is adorable. What cute pictures you take! I imagine you take a lot of them. I’m like that with my animals. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  12. Nicole says:

    Riley is adorable! I lost my golden retriever to old age earlier this year and miss her like crazy. Dogs are the best. Loved the photos!

  13. Jennifer says:

    Hilarious! Thanks for the chuckles. I’m nuts about my dog too but nevert thought of giving her a blog…hmmmm

  14. So cute. Give me a dog blogger any day. They give more pictures and less of the words to read.

  15. marie says:

    Such a cute dog. Sometimes I think my cat wants to blog also, as much as she likes walking on the laptop 🙂

  16. Sheryl says:

    Can you PLEASE clone him? THE cutest dog!! Love the way his mind works, too 🙂

    • Alas, his parents are both gone now, and his breeder out of business. She was known for having super smart dogs. Of course, Riley is the only blogging dog of that lineage…

  17. He is just adorable!! He looks like he is totally thrilled with your picture taking lol!

  18. What a Mr. Cutie! I love my animals and life is wonderful with them!!!

  19. I wish your dog could REALLY talk…there is a lot going on in that little mind!

  20. Alicia says:

    Your dog is absolutely adorable … and, my kids love the show “Dog With a Blog” on Disney – that’s what I thought of when I saw the wording on your post. 🙂

  21. Liz Mays says:

    Sitting on that stack of pillows like royalty…that just cracks me up!

  22. I love it. I have three dogs and every now and then they get a bit of blog spotlight. Riley is a great blogger, I’m sure many brands out there could use a new advocate. 🙂

  23. Amy says:

    Your dog is precious. What a cutie! Your blog is in very capable hands, for sure. We’re kitty people and have six of ’em. We love our furbabies, too. Don’t know what we’d do without their antics and cuddles. 🙂

  24. Catherine says:

    He’s so cute and very adorable , I think im inlove with him and i love all the photos

  25. Bismah says:

    How could one not spoil a puppy who looks so cute!!

  26. M from The Stay-at-Home Life says:

    What a cute pup! The pillows are nice too.

  27. What an absolute cutie. Got my little Shih Tzu Indie right here beside me.

  28. What a cutie! He looks like he loves being on show!

  29. I’ll have to show these pictures to my toddler later. He adores dogs and I know he’d love all the pictures of your pup!

  30. Fariha N. says:

    I love dogs. I think I wouldn’t mind spending time with dogs instead of people on some days. They are my favorite!

  31. Thank you for such a sweet post!

  32. Frances D says:

    Our Pom Shadow would just love Riley – what a cutie. And they have something in common – they’re both royalty with well-trained people 😉

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