Dogs, wine & chopped liver

May 7, 2011

Who is this cutie-pie? It’s Winston, a Norwich terrier, who came over to play with Riley and Capt. Hebert the Wonder Dog.
All three are male dogs, so there was a lot of P&P–posturing and peeing. Not much playing, as they spent the afternoon taking each other’s measure.
This is Winston’s daddy, Brian. Winston’s other daddy was working. You can’t see them, but three wine glasses are sitting on the patio table. They weren’t for the dogs.
He is a darling dog, isn’t he? And sweet-natured, too.

“What am I, chopped liver?”
One comment on “Dogs, wine & chopped liver
  1. Brian says:

    Riley is a cutie and hardly “chopped liver.” Very clever write up about our fun little afternoon together.

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