Dr. MLK and love

January 16, 2012
I have decided to stick with love.
Hate is too great a burden to bear.

-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

For those of you too young to remember,
this is the way it was
in the 1960s South.
Law enforcement set dogs on protesters.
Civil rights workers were murdered.

Makes a little pepper spray look tame in comparison.

But it does point out that some things haven’t changed enough.

But here’s my real point:
We should never forget how black people
were treated back in the day.

How hard
the battle for civil rights –civil disobedience–was.
How brave our black and white brothers and sisters
who fought the battle were.

And how despite the vitriol aimed at him and others,
Dr. King stood for love.

This is why Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is important enough
to have a day of remembrance.

But really, this photo is what we should remember.

2 comments on “Dr. MLK and love
  1. Kelly says:

    wow great minds think alike, my friend. Before I saw this blog, I posted my blog, which was about love and tied up with MLK with a valentines-esque bow. I have been thinking “love” all day in part because of MLK – One of my favorite historical figures of all time. Love is so much more powerful than anything else!!
    crazy how similar our posts were in tone. 🙂

  2. Yes, of course we think alike, Diva! Doesn’t surprise me one bit. Oh, and today’s post has been waiting too, in line with yours. 😉 Glad your party was fun this past weekend. xox

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