Dreamy day

September 9, 2009

We’re in the waning days of summer and I’m glad. It’s still hot and humid, but overcast and a bit dreamy this morning But fall is on its way. M. is having his coffee on the patio with the three big dogs. I am in the bedroom with our littlest thug.

Yes, this is a real squirrel, someone rescued, tamed and can actually dress up and photograph.

But it brought to mind my yard squirrels. For two years, they’ve taunted Riley from outside the screened patio, taking great joy in the fact that he couldn’t get to them.

They actually would stick their tongues out at him. I saw them do it. Honest.

Now that we have the bigger dogs, the squirrels have been strangely silent. And far less visible.

Take THAT, you mean little rodents!

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