Easy scallops recipe

February 5, 2016

Why slave over a hot stove for hours when you can make this easy scallops recipe in minutes? Company-ready and so yummy!

Easy scallops recipe
serves 4

16 scallops
4 Tablespoons butter
2 cloves of garlic, chopped
(or 2 cubes of frozen garlic)
Juice of one lemon
Pepper and salt

1. Rinse the scallops. Season them as you like with salt and pepper and set aside. I rarely add salt, but love me some pepper.

easy-scallop-recipe2. Put 2 Tablespoons of butter in a pan. Add garlic and cook over medium heat until the aroma coming out of your kitchen says “yep, cookin’ garlic!”
I used frozen garlic cubes on this day, but I’ve used fresh garlic as well. It doesn’t matter. Set pan aside for a moment.

3. Put 1 Tablespoon of butter in a different pan and heat over medium high heat. Add the scallops. Turn after about a minute and a half.  Scallops cook quickly, usually a total of three minutes, more if they are really fat. Just turn halfway through.   Be sure to test at the 3 minute mark: since they aren’t cheap, you don’t want to turn them into rubber balls instead of dinner. I bought a big bag of frozen scallops reasonably priced at Costco.

If you use frozen scallops, as I did, you won’t get a nice, brown sear, but they’ll still be scrumptious. If I were having company, I’d buy fresh.

4. Set the scallops aside in a covered bowl so they stay warm.

easy-scallops-recipe5. Heat the garlic-butter sauce until it’s heated through. I added another teaspoon or so of butter, you can add up to 1 more Tablespoon. Add Lemon to taste, just don’t
use more than the juice of one lemon. It’s pretty lemony, so if you want a more buttery sauce, adjust your ingredients.

6. Plate your scallops and pour garlic-butter-lemon sauce over them. They are delicious.

This night I served them over Barillas tomato-veggie spaghetti. You can also serve them over any kind of rice, broccoli and cauliflower or any vegetable, really.

easy-scallops-recipeFrom start to finish, the scallops and sauce took less than 10 minutes. Since I served them over pasta, dinner took me a little longer, but I timed it so my pasta was
cooked around the time the scallops were to come out of the pan.

Voila! Easy scallops recipe. Enjoy!

20 comments on “Easy scallops recipe
  1. I love scallops. They are so rich and flavorful…it’s definitely one of my favorite seafood dishes. I like how easy they are to prepare too!

  2. Jennifer says:

    This looks perfect. Simple and quick! I love Scallops so I’ll put this on the menu this weekend. Thanks

  3. this could be the easiest scallop recipe ever. i might have to give this on a try when the price of scallops is economically feasible for me.

  4. This really is easy! I have a deadly allergy to seafood but this recipe looks like I could prepare it safely for guests, something I really want to do.Thank you for sharing!

  5. Everything looks good but the scallops. I hate scallops…it’s a texture thing!

  6. Barbara says:

    Easy peasy. That’s what I love about fish dinners, they cook up so fast and taste like a gourmet meal.

  7. andrea says:

    I like any recipe that looks easy to make! This happens to be one of them 🙂

  8. Roz Warren says:

    “Yep, cookin garlic” is an aroma that comes out of my kitchen a lot. Thanks for a quick fun (and easy to follow) recipe. (Love your ring, by the way.)

  9. Felita says:

    I am curious, why won’t frozen scallops get brown? I thought it was the butter that did that.

    P.S. you can get bags of little baby scallops at the Dollar Store’s that have a frozen food section. They are the size of mini marshmallows. The pouch is about a serving for one person. If someone wanted to do an economical scallop dish.

  10. Liv says:

    Good scallops are one of my favorites! I attempted a seafood lasagne – and was surprised how easy it was. Thanks for the new recipe to try!

  11. Nancy Hill says:

    Yum! One of my favorites – fresh whenever possible!

  12. Carolann says:

    Oh yum. My hubby loves them so I’ll have to make this for him this weekend. Looks easy and delicious!

  13. I am all about not slaving in hte kitchen. This is my kind of recipe.

  14. Liz Mays says:

    With the minimal ingredients, the flavor of the scallops is left to shine. It sounds fabulous!

  15. Dogvills says:

    Yum! I love scallops. I have to try your recipe.

  16. Brianna says:

    mmmm. Scallops are some of my favorite seafood dishes. My kids and hubby do not enjoy them so I may have to make this on a night it is just me.:)

  17. Susan cooper says:

    I love scallops! The fact that these are easy just makes it that much better. Yum!

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