How a trip to Sedona turned into a healing

April 14, 2014


From Yavapati Trail

From Yavapai Vista

There’s no way to take a bad photo in Sedona, then again, there’s no way to take a spectacular one, either, because so many beautiful photos perfectly framed and lit are available online.  But really, these photos are just to lure you in so I could talk about something I did while I was in Sedona.

Another, same trail

Another, same trail

A few weeks ago I hurt my neck and head in a weird accident that I don’t even want to talk about because it freaks me out. The injury limited my neck’s range of motion, hurt my head and also set up quite a painful vibration when I just walked. Or lifted anything. Or bent over. I wasn’t even sure I should travel to Sedona.  Doctor banned me from the gym until one week after I feel 100 percent. HT and I have been burning up the text lines as I was PISSED, because I had really gotten into my workout routine. I knew this would set me back and I didn’t like it one bit.

“I feel ya,” HT texted, “but take it easy and we’ll work U back up slowly when U R ready.” Now that you know what my trainer looks like from my post on Friday, you can probably picture him saying that.

I am probably at about 95 percent now, but it’s been a long haul that involved no traditional medical treatment other than ibuprofen.  This was the one time that my doctor didn’t over-react. Normally, she’d have me at Stanford in a New York Minute. Or a Stanford one. In fact, I worried that this lack of attention was actually under-reacting. So I asked again and got the same response. Nothing further needed. Even though improvement was at a snail’s pace and I feared it would never get back to normal. Or what passes for normal for me.

So I decided to do some energy work. And, since I was heading to Sedona vortexes, I figured I should take advantage of that and do something there.

redrock2 niceWith the help of a guide familiar with New Age concepts, we wandered around the beautiful red rocks of Sedona feeling the powerful energy of the place and (for me) asking that it help heal me.  Because energy does have healing properties.  I can’t say that I felt any big zaps of energy like I did on my first visit, but maybe this time I didn’t need to.

6a00e5551268ac88340120a61a9b60970b-320piI’m lucky enough to have a friend who does Reiki, and since Reiki can be done long distance, we did several sessions the week before I left for Sedona.  She and I have a strong connection –sisters-from-another-mother, really–and I trusted in her and her abilities.  It just so happened that the day after she would do Reiki, I’d feel significantly better. Orders of magnitude better.  Coincidence?  I doubt it.  Placebo effect? Maybe. But I’m not looking too closely at it, because it worked. And I do believe in energy work. Because I believe there are things we can not explain, given the limitations of our current knowledge base.

During one session, we both (separately) saw someone in spirit. I saw the Native American spirit guide who is charge of my healing. She said she’d seen someone, too, but thought it might be me at a younger age. But now she wonders if it was my guide.

Side note: My healer-guide made herself known to me about two years ago and told me that she was preparing to help me with an injury I would have. That it would seem like it was never going to go away but that it would and I needed to know that it would or I would, well, freak out.   Umm. Does this sound familiar?

Have I lost you?  Yes, I believe all this. One day I should do a series on my blog detailing every single validating experience I’ve had that showed me that we do communicate with the other side, that there IS another side and more… but not today.

Anyway, I figured that while I was in Sedona’s energy field, I’d have a cranial-sacral energy session. It’s a form of body work — alternative therapy — in which a practitioner applies light holds to the face, skull, spine and pelvis, regulating the flow of cerebrospinal fluid by manipulating the synarthrodial joints of the cranium.   We were staying at L’Auberge de Sedona and I booked a session with one of their therapists.

Once I was  on the table, my practitioner rubbed fragrant oil between her palms and told me to close my eyes and take three deep breaths.  Within minutes, I’d gone into a state of deep relaxation, almost meditative.  I visualized my healer with her basket of herbs, and then I saw things. Almost like a dream, a man’s face appeared, very large, and he spoke to me, but as soon as he did, I forgot what he said. Other visions came and went.

When she finally placed her fingers at the very top of my head, I saw a tiny pinhole of light where her fingers met my skull, almost like a crack in the veil to the other side. It was tiny but I saw light, and when she removed her fingers from that position the vision disappeared. Maybe it led to the other side but I also knew I wasn’t going to fit through that tiny aperture and that I’d be staying rooted to the massage table for now.

At the end of the session I felt incredibly good, and again, my improvement was an order of magnitude more than any day during which I did not have energy work.

vista w redrockNow, it’s true that no scientific studies have shown cranial-sacral therapy to be effective, as is true of many new age practices. Then again, placebos have been shown to be effective.  I am a big believer in the mind’s ability to heal itself, and I believe that there are limits to what we know and understand today. It is entirely possible than a century from now scientists will recognize this early energy work as precursors to self-healing people will do routinely.

I didn’t always give alternative therapies much credence. My father was a physician and our household was strongly rooted in the empirical, the scientific, the provable.  Now, though, I’ve been exposed to so many experiences and read so much that I realize not everything can be explained. Once I opened to the possibility that energy healings could be effective, well, they were. Why and how? I don’t much care, really.

One day we may know more about Sedona’s vortexes. But right now, at home, feeling way better than when I arrived in Sedona, I’m grateful for its energy and for the wonderful practitioner I had at L’Auberge de Sedona. And for my sister-from-another-mother and her excellent Reiki.

If you’ve had energy sessions, I hope you’ll share in the comments below so we can all hear about them. Effective or not.  Thank you.



20 comments on “How a trip to Sedona turned into a healing
  1. Haralee says:

    Glad you are feeling better and yes you should write a series of blogs about your experiences. I have never done energy sessions but I buy alternative care coverage on my health care. I think many people have had success with alternative practices. 20 years ago acupuncture was considered woo woo and now I just show my insurance card!

    • admin says:

      Progress, right? You know, the dilemma about this woo-woo stuff is that those who believe need to proof and those who don’t will never have enough. I’m thinking about it.

  2. Lisa Froman says:

    I am a believer in both Western and Eastern healing practices. I love reading about and also practicing things such as tapping, meditation, chakra clearing and other energy exercises. Have you heard of Donna Eden? I’ve been doing some of her energy exercises lately and she has some simple things that are supposed to help with adrenals, stress, etc. Bottom line….I like living in a world that feels magical and open and expansive. ..

  3. Diane says:

    I believe these practices were healing people long before the advent of ‘medicine’. And you’re so right. The mind can perform great feats. even miracles. I must visit this place. Beautiful AND healing. Sounds like a small slice of Heaven!

  4. you need to take me there. asap. I had never heard that Sedona has healing energy. I’m so glad you got the relief you needed. and I loved the photo of your hubby meditating. xo

  5. Mary Anne says:

    Wow-Sedona is on my list!

  6. Sedona is beautiful. Though I must say my favorite place in Arizona is farther south, for that’s where my grandsons live. 😀
    I had cranial-sacral therapy done for a short time a few years ago to help me get past a physical trauma. I was skeptical but eventually gave in to it when I realized it truly was making a difference. Interesting stuff.

  7. Nancy Hill says:

    I love cranio-sacral therapy. I love Sedona. Oak Creek Canyon, and surrounding lands. Arizona has many special places that inspire with a presence that can only be felt and experienced. People have lived here for thousands of years and aspects of the universe we do not understand resonate with footsteps others have placed upon the places and paths we walk. I have experienced so many variations of understanding that I cannot limit myself to one single way of knowing any longer. This drives my scientist husband mad with frustration. I believe in replicability, that is the way science is done. I also believe in personal meaning, connectedness, and the light that is love. We should talk at BlogHer.

  8. So happy your feeling better Carol, Sedonna is a magical place. You should write about your experiences I would love to read about them!

  9. Kathy says:

    While I am in health care I do not believe traditional medicine cures all. This is the first time I have heard of cranio-sacral therapy but you have piqued my interest. Glad you are feeling better

  10. Hi Carol! I’m so glad you are feeling better. I have had many experiences with healing energy…in fact every time I’ve been sick I tend to believe that healing energy played a big part in my healing. I think traditional medicine often works in conjunction WITH energy healing, but real healing only happens when energy is flowing in a good way. And yes, I’ve done a couple of sessions of cranial-sacral therapy but didn’t have specific ailments so didn’t have as dramatic an experience as yours. But again, I believe lots of treatments like these work, especially when done by a good practitioner and when the patient also agrees and is in alignment.

    AND for those of you who are interested in science proving some of these modalities there is an organization that has been doing work like this for the last 25 years. They do scientific studies on many of the healing techniques that traditional medicine question. The organization is named the Institute of Noetic Sciences (Noetic means “multiple ways of knowing) and you can read more about it at: My husband and I have been members for 15+ years and think you will find their work fascinating. ~Kathy

  11. ukash ankara says:

    I believe these practices were healing people long before the advent of ‘medicine’. And you’re so right. The mind can perform great feats. even miracles. I must visit this place. Beautiful AND healing. Sounds like a small slice of Heaven! – See more at:

  12. visit website says:

    Self-healing include on to the energy degree of a specific as well as helps in curing disorders like sleeplessness, pains, depression, and various physical and mental ailments. Meditation and yoga are some of the other means that assists a person in the realization of a higher self.

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