Entrepreneurial inspiration

March 3, 2009

Even though I gave a month’s notice, it’s clear I won’t be working much this month. Things are winding down, partly because I purposely didn’t replace business the recession took away.

And yet, in some segments, business seems to be stronger than I’d expect.

I count among my friends two women who have sole practioner PR firms. One almost my age and one significantly younger. Both have successfully carved out niches that keep them busy and fed. Both have growing businesses, even in this recession.

Both are rockin’ fun women. Both are focused. Both are successful.

I like to think about them as I step away from “security”. They inspire me.

Last night I had a conversation that caused me to look ahead and talk about what my partner and I want to happen with our company. What we intend to happen. What we believe will happen. My dinner companion said “You and S believe so strongly in this I think it WILL be successful.”

It’s important to find inspiration whereever you can. By looking at others and by digging deep inside. And to focus on success.

So today I’m starting on the boxes that await emptying and storing temporarily. Clearing the clutter for better focus.

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