Every home should have a pinata room

January 2, 2013

I abhore violent behavior. I don’t like raised voices, things being slammed around, that kind of thing. It brings up really bad memories.

And I do not for one minute think violent games, films or entertainment are good outlets for our frustrations. Do. Not. 

Still, I have to admit that there’s something to be said about physically acting out, as long as it isn’t destructive or aimed at a living being.

Sometimes, catharsis is necessary. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been known to pace the house ranting and raving about some frustration or another.  While venting helps, it’s not always enough.

 Letting off steam is a physical thing–sometimes  you just have to beat on something.

No pinatas shaped like living things, please!

Wouldn’t it be amazing if these were available to us throughout the day? A way to channel our anger and frustration?

Bap! Take that!
Bang! Let it out!

If we had a way to channel frustration, would we be calmer?

And even better, would there be less violence in our society?

So, how to vent frustration?  Perhaps every home should have a Pinata Room and an endless supply of colorful pinatas filled with—well–confetti! Confetti is festive, fun and a shower of confetti would make anyone laugh. And laughter is a great tension reliever.

So it would have to be an easy-to-clean-up Pinata Room.

Note to self: Figure out which room is the Pinata Room.

5 comments on “Every home should have a pinata room
  1. Thats a scream. You need to make a graphic and PINit!

  2. Grace Hodgin says:

    Interesting concept and a bright and colorful one at that.

  3. Donna says:

    The ability to get out frustration AND get candy as a reward? Brilliant!

    Donna Highfill

  4. Ellen Dolgen says:

    Sounds like a great vent :>) Thanks for the advice!

  5. Haralee says:

    This is a great idea!

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