What exits really are

September 16, 2016

This is the thing about exits.

They really aren’t one way doors out.

They also open inward to welcome something new.

Once we really get that, we’ll never look at a goodbye the same way.

Have you experienced a goodbye that led to something even better? We’d like to hear about it in the Comments, below.

25 comments on “What exits really are
  1. Every goodbye in my life has led to something better! I guess I’m just lucky that way…
    Thanks for the reminder Carol!

  2. Karen Austin says:

    I recently moved from KS to IN, and I’m too focused on what I’ve lost. (I started off being optimistic but then hit a wall; I’m trying to regroup from the reality check that unbridled optimism invited.) Thanks for helping me move out of the gloom and towards something more positive.

  3. candy says:

    We traveled all over in the military. Had to say goodbye to many good friends. At our next home we always made great new friends. Now I have friends all over the world.

  4. Andi says:

    I don’t think that I ever have

  5. LIsa Jones says:

    There Are Always Doors To Be Open It Is Just Which One You Pick In Life!!

  6. I’m not the greatest at making an exit, but sometimes I should. Sometimes I just quietly drift away. It’s always been worth it.

  7. Leanne says:

    I’d never thought of it that way Carol – but it’s true, for everything we leave behind, there is something new to embrace. Even death moves us to a new dimension.

  8. Chloe says:

    Saying goodbye can be difficult but I never believe that it is forever.I can say goodbye happily knowing that we shall reunite someday.

  9. Lori says:

    Doors-“They always open inward to welcome something new.” I never thought about them literally opening that way. Clever.
    I have found that for me that has been the case. When a door closed on a job, I found a better opportunity. A door recently closed again, and even though I’m sad, I’m happy in knowing that a new opportunity will be knocking on my door soon.

  10. Lisa Rios says:

    When one door closes, another one opens for sure. It is always important to look for the positive side as every goodbye has a new HI to come your way!

  11. Cori says:

    So true! This was a very smack-you-in-the-head post, even if it was a short one.

  12. angie says:

    I do not believe there was ever a time that I realized it until later. I believe none of us ever like to let go of what we know
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  13. Nicole Herose Cochingco - Escat says:

    I also believe in this. I was once in an exit then another door, which is a better way, had just opened for me!

  14. Anna Palmer says:

    When my father died I was bathed in loss. Then somehow I came out clean and new and part of the next generation. Whether it made room for me to grow up or helped me practice growing up I don’t know…but as much as I will always be his daughter I am somehow more myself.

  15. Laurie Stone says:

    Carol, We all hate goodbyes (some more than others) but you’re right. They’re necessary to grow. More times than not, we look back and see it was the right thing.

  16. Thanks for making me see exits in a new way, Carol. My job was eliminated earlier this year and it was a sad and painful exit. I do have new job though , higher paying and not as hard. Go figure!

  17. Lee Gaitan says:

    This is so true. Sometimes there is a bit of a lag in between saying goodbye to the old and hello to the new, but if we’re patient, that’s usually what comes to us. Even the loss of a dear one can bring the blessing of making us feel the urgency of connecting with those who remain with us.

  18. Linda Hobden says:

    Never really thought about it before – but saying goodbye to my first marriage enabled me to find “me” again, and to have the courage to start a new life and eventually a new love (my now husband).

  19. Silly Mummy says:

    Good way to look at it. I’m hoping to find this to be true currently!

  20. sue says:

    I find saying goodbye so difficult however if you have the right attitude it can be a new beginning.

  21. I think every break-up (romantic or otherwise) has then led into something better – it’s all about growing, learning, and loving the adventure.

  22. Looks like you had a great time and wonderful summer. Tons of fun things, except for the sky thing.

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