Falling prey to the temptation of swag

August 15, 2011

We women love our swag. We do. Free stuff is irresistible, whether we’re regular girls at a convention or Hollywood movies stars at a premiere.

A corner of my conference hotel room in San Diego was devoted to swag. I had four huge bags of it, all collected at the BlogHer expo. They held vibrators, mascara, a neti pot, Post-Its, picture hangers, travel pillows, chocolates, greeting cards, a small stuffed monkey, horribly ugly bracelets, Sunchips, lotions and God knows what else.

But as much as I got, it didn’t hold a candle to what cuteculturechick collected on just the first day. She told me that she decided to keep reloading her car as she collected stuff. Here’s her Day 1 photo: You go, cuteculturechick! (Thanks for letting me post the photo! Find her at cuteculturechick.com)

And oh, by the way, that black bag on the far right? The shiny one with pink letters? I happen to know it’s full of (ahem) toys. How do I know? I had four of those bags in my own swag section.

I know. She’s going to give them away.

Oh, me too. (ahem)

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