How to feel better in these dark times

March 8, 2022

God knows, I needed to feel better. It was a dark holiday for me, all about the things we’ve lost collectively and the things I’ve lost, personally. Too many loved ones lost in this season. Anniversaries and thoughts and tears. Too much love that feels wasted.

And so, when a new friend sent me this uplifting poem, it came at the right time. It reminded me that darkness is not our birthright, JOY is. We were created to sing and dance and celebrate this life we were given. To find a way to feel better when we feel down.

This poem is more like a prayer. I use it as a daily reminder of the gift life is and why I should not squander a moment of it. Thank you, Kathleen.

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4 comments on “How to feel better in these dark times
  1. Lynda Beth Unkeless says:

    Dear, dear
    what a fat, happy face it
    this peony!


    How I long to see
    among the morning
    the face of God.


  2. Kathleen Canrinus says:

    I love this poem. My daughter sent it to me. Thank you for sharing it.

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