Finding yourself & your destiny

March 16, 2013
Isn’t this the truth?
All those who wander aren’t necessarily lost.
Sometimes they’re in the process of exploring themselves.

What better place to find yourself
than in the middle of nowhere?
No distractions.

Just you

And sometimes you find your destiny while you’re busy avoiding it.

I’m reminded of the Buddhist saying
If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him.

In other words:

Don’t be so attached to a particular destiny
that you miss its essence.

Allow it to come to you.

As Carl Jung would say:
Let synchronicity do its thing.
(or something like that)

(I’m also reminded of this:
There is no try, Grasshopper.
There is only do.)*

*you have to work really hard to get
Buddha, Jung, Kung Fu & Yoda
in the same post.

2 comments on “Finding yourself & your destiny
  1. Graciewilde says:

    Amazing! You wove all three of them in there and you spoke the truth. I want to read more from you!

  2. Gracie, welcome! Read on! I’m here every single day.

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