Flight cancelled, trip cancelled

March 2, 2013
I woke up at 4:00 this morning to find that the airplane was
not operational so my flight
out of San Jose International had been cancelled
and they’d rebooked me via Chicago.
That is NEVER a good idea in winter,
especially when they tell you that
it might entail an overnight in Chicago.
Instead, I asked them to put me on a flight out of SFO that
left a few hours later.
We drove to San Francisco.
The fog was thick.
THAT flight was delayed an hour, minimum.
My connection would be long gone.
A new connection might or might not hold.
I might arrive in Tampa close to midnight
or not arrive till the morning.
I pondered my options for this short trip
and decided not to roll the dice.
I am now enjoying a week off at home.
And will try Tampa again, maybe next month.
Disappointment all around,
but that’s the way it works
in winter
when you fly a legacy airline
with an aging fleet.
One comment on “Flight cancelled, trip cancelled
  1. Michelle Robinson says:

    Disappointed…but sounds like you are meant to be home. Hope it works out next month. MKR

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