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I need to try this breathing technique the next time I have insomnia. I don’t have problems going to sleep at night. Insomnia seems to hit me around 3 AM. So glad you shared this!
Worst when someone can’t sleep. After a few days on no sleep I am tired, cranky and irritable and nobody wants to be around me. Sounds like a great solution.
I struggle with sleep from time to time. I can’t wait to try this Carol. Sound easy and doable!
Yes, counting my breath really centers me and helps to prepare me for sleep.
I have a hard time falling asleep and I find breathing exercises really do help! My doctor suggested them years ago and I’ve been doing it every since.
I have to admit I do start counting a lot when I can’t sleep, it seems to calm and relax my mind, I’ll have to give your way a try and see how it works for me.
My husband suffers from insomnia. I will have to pass this along to him so hopefully it can help him sleep.
I’ve downloaded something similar that tells you how to breathe and tighten and relax your muscles. I’ve actually been finding that repeating the states in alphabetical order is boring enough to at least make me drowsy enough to sleep.
I bet this would be really helpful during those times when my mind is racing! It will be good to have a technique to work with.
Breathing exercises can be very helpful with falling asleep. I find them really grounding and centering.
I should definitely try this. I get insomnia from time to time. It’s miserable!
I have anxiety and so I’m going to check that one out. I have some of my own tips, but I’m always looking for more.
I use it too and it works! I just let the thought interruptions come as they always will – once we acknowledge they are there it’s easier to let them go rather than forcing them out. The deep breaths really help slow the heart rate and relax us! I will check out your download!
some nights I have a hard time getting to sleep (insomnia kicks in) usually when I’m stressed in my waking life. I would LOVE to try this technique out on those hard to sleep nights! (like tonight!)
This is so helpful! Thank you so much for sharing this because there will be nights where falling into sleep is just so hard! I will remember this.
xo Debbie | http://www.tothineownstylebetrue.com
I’ve always tried to block my thoughts. I had no idea that acknowledging them would be better for me!
Oh well it is now 2:35 AM and yes you guess I have insomnia. Need to practice your tips and be able to go to sleep =)
Breathing exercises, meditation and Yoga are ideal for curing insomnia.But at the core a rested mind is needed to fall asleep.
Deep breathing is a great way to relax. I teach it to my kids and teachers because it helps with anxiety. Lov!
I have trouble going back to sleep, whether it’s my child or my own body waking me up. I need to consider this as a possible solution.
I had ‘one of those nights’ just last night. Definitely doing to try this in the future!
I have to try this technique next time I have trouble falling asleep!
Hi Carol,
I count backward from 100 which is a similar principle. The trick is that you’ll be asleep before you get to 1. It’s like self-hypnosis. I’ll try your method next time.
being aware of your breathing has so many benefits! i am doing that more and more!
I know that with meditation, the focus on inhaling and exhaling becomes so important. It’s such a big part of centering your being and spirit right where you are.
I have tried this technique too and it works. Everyone suffering from insomnia should try this.
It doesn’t happen often, fortunately, but when I can’t fall asleep deep breathing works well.
I’m definitely trying this the next time I can’t fall asleep.
My mom has a insomia. I will definitely share this to her. This will be a big help for her.
Sleep is something I have never struggled with but I’m sure a time will come when i will need these tips. Thanks for sharing!
I agree with you. I found meditation heals a lot of issues. It has helped me with so many things including falling asleep.
Thanks for sharing these tips! I love breathing exercises– they always seem to calm and relax me : ) Will definitely take your advice the next time I have trouble falling asleep.
You just made my day after another sleepless night. Definitely trying it tonight, sleep doesn’t come easy for me. Also downloading thanks a mil
I think this is something that affects everyone sometimes. It should never be the norm though
My husband has difficulties falling asleep. I told him to try meditation but he said he’s tried everything in the book but nothing helps. I will let him try this count exhales things. Hopefully this one will calm and relax him.
I used to have insomnia years back and I even have to take Melatonin pills just to get sleep. I stop taking this pills a year ago as I am TTC also I don’t need it anymore . Instead at night I use oil diffuser and limit my technology usage , I also do yoga before going to bed that makes me relax and after that I sleep like a baby.
I need to try doing this. I’ve had the worst case of insomnia for about 2-3 weeks. I’m struggling so bad at falling asleep.
Sometimes I end up counting 1 to 10 and repeating it at the same time as I still cannot sleep. I will check and download the application and see if it will work on me.