
April 5, 2012

I’d like to leave you with
something valuable,
she said.
You probably already have, I said,
but we take most of our lives to remember that,
even in the best of times.

Most of us don’t realize it,
but we already have a fortune.

In experience.

When things go wrong–
an ill-fated romance, a friendship that turns sour,
a job lost–
we can look at it two ways
and I subscribe to both.

One way is “poor me.”
I think there’s a time and place
for feeling sorry for yourself.
The time should be short
and the place should be at home with your cat.
But embrace “poor, pitiful me” for that brief period.
Get it over with.

The second is to ask yourself
“what valuable lesson did I learn?”
and take from it something that will make
your next experience that much better.

Like a fortune in wealth, put that lesson away in a safe place
so you can bring it out whenever you want
to help make your life better.

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