Free resources here to manage anxiety & fear

March 23, 2020


We’ve got to find new ways to manage anxiety and fear, and to keep centered. And all work together to get through this. In that spirit:

Three of my A Healing Spirit products are now COMPLETELY FREE for everyone

to help with the anxiety that accompanies our strange new world.

I hope you can share this post with anyone who might find it helpful. These things are completely free –no strings attached: no one will be added to a mailing list.

For managing anxiety

This is a 24-minute guided imagery for managing anxiety and it has been super-helpful to many. Use checkout code FREE to download it free right here.

Download instructions are in in your confirmation email.

IMPORTANT: Use earbuds and settle into a chair or bed. Do not use while driving or doing anything else, as it is super-relaxing. It’s also a good tool for insomnia.

Daily thoughts/mantras for peace of mind & good health

IT’S TRUE: Positive thinking has been shown to boost our immunity and help manage anxiety. So get an email a day for 35 days, each with a positive meditation or thought for health or peace of mind.

Save them as they come in.  After 35 days start again. Free, no checkout code needed. Sign up here.

Healing affirmations

Our hopeful, helpful  healing affirmations for those dealing with a disease or chronic condition are now available free as an online subscription.

It’s an email a day for 50 days, each with a healing thought. The affirmations are exactly the same as the printed version I offer. A helpful tool for those in treatment or dealing with any kind of health challenge. Completely free (no checkout code needed) right here.

We’re all in this together, and in that spirit, I’m happy to make these tools available to everyone immediately. Please share as you see fit.

Oh and if you or anyone you know would like to receive my several times a week posts from A Healing Spirit  (now mostly about ways to cope with our new world), sign up on the home page, right here. It’s different from this blog.

Would appreciate any shares.  May we all find our way out of this to a world more like we remember.

Sending you peace, love, light.

5 comments on “Free resources here to manage anxiety & fear
  1. John Gatesby says:

    This is a great initiative especially during the times of this pandemic when anxiety and pessimism loom large these resources could turn out to be a huge blessing! I wish that you are safe and coping up well with this lock down.

  2. Ellen burgan says:

    Minimizing anxiety and fear will help get us through this time of quarantine. These generous gifts can help us come out of this time a better person.

  3. Rachael stray says:

    Really timely given everything that’s going on at the moment.

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