Free. We love free stuff.

July 30, 2010

There’s a contest. Yep. And the details are on the post below so scroll down for them. But do participate, will ya?

And, hey, “anonymous?” You have some of the best comments, so Riley’s particularly interested in your ideas for topics he can address. Of course, to get your prize you need to email me not-anonymous info. But he says “shhhh!” — we’ll keep it hush-hush! The prize is a coffee mug with the What Would Riley Do logo and his photo. Yeah, sweet!

Went to the big Elvis movie last night for his 75th birthday celebration. Who doesn’t love to hear Elvis (and see him). I wouldn’t say the movie provided much new insight but it was a fast two-hour walk down memory lane. A sad ending for such a great talent.

It’s the weekend, almost, and we’ll be seeing Shakespeare under the stars Sunday night. Yes, The Taming of the Shrew. It’s a fave. What’s everybody else doing this weekend?

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