If only we could freeze frame moments in time

March 22, 2023

freeze-frameHave you ever had a moment in time that was so special, you wished you could freeze frame it and revisit that moment over and over?

Yeah, me, too.

We’re getting ready for a few upcoming trips and yet, I wish I could freeze frame our November trip to London, which was so special, so fabulous and so much fun.

As I write, I know new memories are waiting in Norway, Scotland, Maui, Kaua’i, Santa Fe and yes, even in my hometown of Rochester, NY.  But for some reason, that trip’s stuck in my brain … and my heart.

The same is true of moments with our wonderful friend who has made his transition. We wish we could freeze frame his last visit for lunch on our patio. We still feel him there, all the time, so in a way, that visit IS freeze-framed. But only in our hearts and minds.

After a loss, we can not go back. It’s final. We can never recapture those wonderful moments of peace and calm on the patio…good conversation and good laughter, sunshine and puppy kisses, delicious food. If only we could freeze that visit for real and bask in it whenever we want to.

Maybe it’s a mark of my generation that I don’t take selfies. I take photos of those around me, those happy moments and events, those wonderful places I’ve visited, so I can relive them. It’s hard to do that with a zillion photos of yourself.

So take a moment to think of a particularly happy event in your life. Sit still and relive it in your heart and your imagination. Bask in the happiness it brought you… feel that joy all over again.

If  you’d like to relive memories of someone you’ve lost, check out our Guided Journal through Grief, which allows you to capture on the page words, drawings or photos that remind you of those happy times. Find it and our other gently supportive grief and healing products HERE.

7 comments on “If only we could freeze frame moments in time
  1. Diane Tolley says:

    I love this, Carol!
    So many moments, freeze-framed in my heart and memory!

  2. Laurie Stone says:

    Lovely thought. I have many moments I wish I could revisit.

  3. Alana says:

    I think I’ve taken perhaps five selfies in my life and none of them were good. But I don’t need selfies to freeze frame those moments. In my 70th decade I have many of those moments, which is a good thing. A really good thing. Perhaps this is one reason why enough 80-somethings say, in surveys, that they are the happiest they’ve ever been.

  4. Lauren says:

    I wish I could freeze moments with my dad. Beautiful post.

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