The delight of one fresh peach

August 9, 2021


Out to dinner at a nice restaurant tonight, I shared a lovely ice cream dessert with my husband. It was delicious.

But it did not satisfy.

Back at home, I spied a fresh, juicy peach the size of my fist. We’d been to a farmer’s market a few days before and bought some beautiful stone fruit. The farmer told me he used no pesticides–and yet there was not a single mark on any of the perfect spheres. We bought a few.

One huge peach remained.

I wanted it.

So I washed it, sliced it, and placed it on a plate.

Natural. Alone. Nothing else.

The ultimate presentation.

It was delicious.

Fresh. Juicy. Sweet.

Just the perfect dessert.

These days, when restaurants catering to “foodies” go out of their way to present overwrought confections with odd flavor combinations, I long to see something simple and natural on a menu.

Like a big, refreshing peach.

How about you? Do you have a favorite, natural dessert?

And if you know someone undergoing treatment, a beautiful, budget-friendly way to support them is available in my Etsy shop here. In fact, there are several options and all are so affordable.

19 comments on “The delight of one fresh peach
  1. Amazing how expensive fresh fruits have gotten.

  2. Beth Havey says:

    Carol, this is a very carol-like post. Authentic. Human. Sometimes we think we have to dress everything up. (My husband does a lot of the cooking now and he has to throw pecans in everything! ) Basic and simple are better for my health and that way you are focussing on the flavor of the item, you are not distracted by other flavors and God knows, we live in a distracting world. Bravo

  3. Laurie Stone says:

    Can’t think of anything better! Lovely post.

  4. Diane says:

    Simple. Perfect. I can almost taste it up here in Canada!
    Like life. We tend to get caught up in the ‘trends’ and forget what brought us joy in simpler times!

  5. jodie filogomo says:

    The perfect peach is everything. When we first moved here to AZ, we bought some peaches at the grocery store, and they were tasteless. It was SO disappointing. The Palisade peaches from Colorado are the type you have there on your plate. Mouthwatering, delicious and full of flavor.

  6. When I was in high school, we lived in northern Alabama where there were many orchards of giant freestone peaches. Mom would buy a couple of bushels from the highways stands. I remember “helping” her peel and slice peaches to be cooked, frozen, but mostly… eaten! I rolled away from the table more than once. So good!

  7. Oh my goodness, now I want a peach. I’ve been wrapping up my days with watermelon lately and YUM – I don’t know what I’ll do when the season is over. Little beats fresh juicy fruit, especially during the hotter months.

  8. Linda Hobden says:

    That peach does look delicious! I love a bowl of fresh strawberries & raspberries- no sugar, no cream – however I am not one for desserts but I do eat strawberries & raspberries on top of bran flakes with a dollop of natural yogurt or skimmed milk every morning! ?

  9. Ellen Burgan says:

    Watermelon is my little summer joy. Even the color is fun!

  10. Jane Carroll says:

    Lovely post. The only thing that can beat a fresh peach is the first vine ripened tomato. Ahhh… summer!

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