Fresh fruit recipes for summer

July 19, 2014


Mid-summer’s the time when we’re looking for fresh recipes using the abundant harvest we see at the market. Tasty summer fruit recipes. Easy summer salads. Healthy summer desserts. I have a couple of the best, simple summer recipes ever for you.

Watermelon and feta salad

Start with cubed watermelon.

8+feta Then some feta pieces. Plain is best.

watermelon fetaNow, I stop there. The little bit of brine in the feta against super-sweet watermelon? Refreshing.

It’s what I have for dinner many nights. A delicious, easy meat-free dish.

However, one of my foodie friends loves to add:
Pungent pieces of kalamata olives.
and an Italian style dressing.

That was a little too much for me, but he swears by it.

What do you think?

How about a delicious, nutritious breakfast or lunch? or even a healthy dessert?

Nectarines, Greek yogurt and honey

nectarinesSlice a nectarine. Or a peach.

yogurtAdd a dollop of nonfat Greek yogurt. A big dollop if it’s your breakfast. A small dollop if it’s dessert.

honey1Honey drizzle. I love honey.

If you like, add some crumbled pistachios, walnuts or almonds.

This is a wonderful breakfast and a super-healthy dessert. Try it!

If you’ve got a super-easy recipe for summer, I hope you’ll share it in the Comments below.

30 comments on “Fresh fruit recipes for summer
  1. Wow Carol. How did you know that my favorite foods are watermelon, feta, olives , Greek yogurt (plain)? The only difference is I use agave syrup in my yogurt.

  2. kim tackett says:

    I tried a different take on the watermelon salad this week..watermelon,a little jalapeno, and mint, and then lime (and a little salt) and it was delicious! I also do a cold salad with zucchini ribbons (you peel the squash with a vegetable peeler) and lemon..toss with arugula and anything else you want to go in there (feta is nice). Love salads for dinner!

    • Those sound good, except am not a jalapeno fan. But a mint fan. I need to go get some! I am out of watermelon this weekend but have some super sweet cantaloupe that might be so good with mint and feta

  3. I’ve used nectarines (or peaches) with Greek yogurt but I also like to add a dash of cinnamon and even a few crumbled walnuts . It’s wonderful for breakfast.

  4. Diane says:

    Simple, pure and easy! Perfect!

  5. Karen says:

    I’m working on the concept of watermelon + salty, but might just have to give it a try!

  6. Lana says:

    These are my kind of salads – easy and delicious. They both look so good. Tweeting and pinning. Have a great weekend!

  7. Ellen Dolgen says:

    I am having friends over tomorrow…def making the watermelon and feta cheese dish! Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. This all looks good…I just had some watermelon a few minutes ago and thinking of it with the feta cheese sounds really good!

  9. Oh, Carol. May I stay at your inn just one week this summer? Pleeeease??

  10. Lisa Froman says:

    Looks yummy and easy enough for me!

  11. Suzanne Gray says:

    These look delicious Carol! I’ll try them both. I’ll definitely be adding the olives to the watermelon one. Love that extra salty taste.

  12. Valerie Rind says:

    I love these recipe posts where people comment and share their own personal twists!

  13. You know, I always forget about watermelon and feta!! Gah! Grumble on me.

    Next shopping trip I’m buying both. In the meantime I’ll have to finagle something else.

  14. We live on fresh fruit here in the summer. I generally don’t add much to it, just slice and eat. We like them all !

  15. Robin Herman says:

    In Boston last summer I enjoyed a refreshing watermelon and feta salad at the Institute of Contemporary Art’s cafe. Their tasty added ingredient: watercress!

  16. Hi, Carol. Watermelon and feta salad looks very simple to make. Watermelon is one of my favorite fruit. A salad with watermelon will be interesting. I will try this salad

  17. These are perfect salads for summer. The watermelon/feta is my favorite!

  18. Allan James says:

    Thanks a lot for sharing such a fantastic post about summer recipe. I appreciate it. Keep posting more update on your page.

2 Pings/Trackbacks for "Fresh fruit recipes for summer"
  1. […] about a few more recipes for keeping cool this summer? Here’s something I did last year with a delicious watermelon and feta salad recipe, along with a few other yummies. Take a […]

  2. […] finally, I’ve got a couple of fresh fruit recipes that make delicious light meals just by […]

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