This guy’s a water seller, traditional-style, and since it gets up to 120 degrees F in Marrakech, I can see why they’re an ancient tradition. They make a whole lot of noise, though, rattling those cups– you can’t miss them.
Their hats are found for sale all over the souk and seem to be the Moroccan version of the sombrero–something you buy on vacation that seems like a good idea at the time, but once you get it home, you look at it and ask yourself, WTF was I thinking?
But, oh! the colors!
I’ve always wanted to see a snake charmer, and I got my wish. These cobras loved the music and of course, the musicians and charmer loved to be tipped for the snake’s performance.
Want to see a video? Here you go:
Can’t move a foot in the square without a veiled woman inviting you to have a henna designed on your hands or feet or both. The dye lasts a few weeks–just not my thing.
People in the souk usually want to be paid for pictures, but I was able to grab a short video of a henna artist at work while we were in transit across the square. Here you go:
Dates are a VERY big deal here. Not in season, though, so couldn’t just pluck one off a tree and munch it.
Mounds and mounds.
Seriously delicious olives.
Lots of other wares, too.
But fruit, vegetables, fish, meat, poultry–souk mainstays.
Yeah, well….
Sitting & waiting for customers.
Setting up in just the right way.
And then, some people just want to nap. Couldn’t blame this guy, I was tired, too! Marrakech was HOT.
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