Full circle

December 17, 2009

Say what you will about social media — and believe me, I’ve said it all. Its most important function, I think, is reconnecting friends across the years and miles that have separated us.

A friend from my 20s recently found me through Facebook. It’s been decades since I’ve had anyone in my life who goes back that far, so it’s been so much fun talking about the old days. This photo reminds me of her: all flowing skirts and red hair.

Coincidentally, I had recently reminded M. of an evening we spent with my friend and her then husband, back in the late 1970s. We had a few cocktails and then broke into the Governor of Florida’s office.

In those days, security wasn’t what it is today. So we wandered with impunity. Until the security guards arrived. But we dodged them by getting on an UP elevator. It was one of those evenings fueled by a little too much alcohol. Back in the days when we did that. And other things.

M. didn’t remember that night at all. But my girlfriend actually mentioned it the other day on the phone. And I still have a water glass with the Governor’s seal on it. It’s held my cosmetic brushes ever since.

I’ve spent these recent decades without many reminders of those early days. My life’s been less of a circle than a very long oval that didn’t seem to ever connect.

Now, reminders seem to be catching up with me all at once. An indication that life really is a circle.

Even if you have to wait a few decades for it to connect.

2 comments on “Full circle
  1. Linda Lou says:

    My daughter talked me into joining facebook and asked who would you like to find—-I said how about my ex-husband, and we “friended” each other…a couple of messages back and forth, all is good, then he posts B & W pics of me that he took back in the early 70’s, now the can of worms is open….do I want to close it…that’s the question!!

  2. I don’t know about you, but I looked much younger back then so that would be a good thing! I think there is good and bad about being found, but now FB allows you to limit what others see, fairly specifically…

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