Call for fun cocktails

November 13, 2014

cat martini

It’s that time again. You know, the one during which decorations go up and we spend more than we should on extravagant gifts. When we get together with friends and family.  When we make festive, fun cocktails. That one.

We’re not putting up a tree this year because we’re going to be away the first half of December.

“Oh, I know you’ll put up some kind of decorations,” M said.

No. I won’t.  Truth is, I’ve been a little flat of late and I don’t mean my chest. I can’t get into the season.  And it just seems a huge burden to decorate when we’re going to be gone during prime Christmas time.

But maybe, just maybe, I’ll have a little get-together. Maybe just for girls.  And since I won’t have decorations, what I DO want is some festive, fun cocktail ideas.

Now, I define cocktail broadly: it doesn’t have to have alcohol.

Like the kitty above, I love a well-made Cosmo. And the way some bartenders make an aperol spritz. And who doesn’t like eggnog (virgin for me)?

Today, I’m asking you to give me ideas for holiday cocktails, with or without booze.

If you share in the Comments section below, we can all enjoy.

Riley will pick one at random for a special giveaway.

21 comments on “Call for fun cocktails
  1. Nora says:

    Cranberry juice with Seltzer is tasty and pretty, and you can add vodka is you wish 🙂

  2. Hi Carol….Well I not even remotely into the holiday spirit because I refuse to get too worked up (if at all) until after Thanksgiving. Just because the media and all things commercial want us to believe it….I’m just not following suit.

    BUT….I am happy to share cocktail ideas with you. I am definitely a margarita girl and am happy to share our “secret” margarita recipe with you and all your readers. Here it is:
    2 (+/-) oz tequila
    2 oz triple sec
    1 (+/-) oz raw honey
    (stir to dissolve honey–if you don’t it will clump)
    4 oz (+/-) fresh squeezed lime juice.
    Stir all together and serve over ice.
    Top with Grand Marnier

    And there you have an awesome Cadillac Margarita. Let me know what you think! ~Kathy

  3. Toni McCloe says:

    Sorry I don’t drink, but maybe I’ll make one up. How about a glass of white wine with some cherry soda for color! Will that work?

  4. Gosh Carol. I wish I could add something creative. Gin and tonic and a healthy slice of lime? And last year we were in major home renovation mode during the holidays and I didn’t get a decoration down. Initially I thought it would make things less cheery – but what I found was, not having to trouble with all the effort of decorating freed me up to enjoy family and friends.

  5. How fun Carol! Here’s mine:

    Fabulous Pomegranate Martini


    1 ounce vodka

    ½ ounce Cointreau orange liqueur

    3 ounces pomegranate juice (I like Pom Wonderful 100% Pomegranate Juice)

    Juice of ½ lime

    1 slice lime for garnish

    Sugar to coat the martini glass rim, optional


    1. Dip the martini glass rim in water and then dip in a little sugar to coat the rim, if desired

    2. Add vodka, Cointreau, pomegranate juice and lime juice in a cocktail shaker that has been ¼ filled with ice. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass.

    3. Garnish with a slice of lime and serve.

    Makes 1 martini

  6. I think I should start calling you the Million Mile Traveler! I am looking forward to Christmas for the first time in years! I am putting my tree up this weekend and getting started although I have never been an outside decorator. I am thinking positively that the babies will be home for Christmas! I’ll keep my eye out for Christmas cocktails and send them your way. I have a board on that has some if you want to check it out.

  7. I don’t drink, but my husband is a big fan of McCallan scotch!

  8. Carol this is great thanks! I do not drink, but I’m always looking for non-alcoholic beverages that are festive!!

  9. Just a bottle of fine wine from me, and a nice glass of good port after dinner~

  10. Oh, how I wish I had something clever or particularly yummy to add, but if we’re talking booze, I usually opt for a nice glass of red (Cab or Merlot) wine, but even more often than that, it’s just plain water for me.

  11. Oh I do enjoy a good drink. And my favorite winter libation is a Pear Vodka Tonic. Easy enough, purchase Grey Goose infused with pear. Mix Grey Goose with tonic over ice, stir, add a slice of pear. BUT. And this is important. I am all about pairings. You will want to sauté thinly diced fresh pears in a little bit of butter (I know, sinful) swish around until they are nice and warm. Add crumbled blue cheese. More swishing. Once the crumbles have become somewhat melted it’s done. Add the aforementioned to little toasted Italian bread rounds. Needless to say…not “clean.” But, absolutely delish. And worth every last calorie. 🙂

  12. Myke Todd says:

    We have a little Charlie Brown Christmas tree, for just in case.

  13. As a Diet Pepsi/iced tea addict, I’m no help to you with this one. Dessert? That’s a whole other story.

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