Fun dog cards

December 10, 2012
So there I was, wandering around the Boulder Bookstore, 
when my eyes fell on this rack of cards.
And stayed there.
Perfect casting. I would have never thought of it, 
but it’s clear how some creative mind would see the resemblance. 
Starting with the eyes.
 I love me a brainy dog. 
 “She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah…”
Ok. So these aren’t dogs.
But, still.
Another example of perfect casting.

That’s all. They’re fun, aren’t they?

Who would your dog be cast as?

6 comments on “Fun dog cards
  1. Thanks for the smile this morning! I’ll have to give some thought as to what my dog would be.

  2. I feel like I don’t have the eye to figure out what my dogs would be.

  3. bodyminder says:

    It is scary how dogs can look like people and even scarier when they start to look like their owners (or is it the other way around?)

  4. Jennifer Comet Wagner says:

    So cute. Thanks.

  5. Grace Hodgin says:

    I will have to reflect on the dogs in my life and ponder this question of who they might be mistaken for in the human world.

  6. They hamsters are way beyond hilarious. PINNING!!

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