Genius. Just … genius.

May 15, 2014

Who among us hasn’t wanted to dress Jesus? For the price of just a few lattes, you can. This fabulous magnetic Jesus comes with a complete wardrobe — Jesus as surfer dude is irresistible. For the fashion lovers among us, the kit comes with a nice assortment of accessories, like loaves and fishes. Not to mention a carpenter kit.

I’d love to know the person who came up with this idea and wouldn’t you just love to be in on the planning meeting? How did the entrepreneur consider good taste and the fact that some people would surely be offended?  And … who would buy it? I’m not sure this product would have appeared on any retail shelf 25 years ago, but  there it was in a little shop in Los Gatos, Calif. Just waiting for someone’s refrigerator.

On the other hand, I did once see a JESUS SHAVES mug that I should have bought.

It’s well-known that most scientists don’t have fashion sense. Apparently, Einstein was no different. His magnetic wardrobe comes with a variety of outfits, including a spacesuit and–horrors—jeans! There’s the E=MC2 chalkboard, a violin and don’t you love his Flavor Flav necklace? I’d love to hear Einstein rap.

Actually, if I had the slightest understanding of quantum physics, Albert Einstein is the guy I’d want to sit down with for a few hours. A man way ahead of his time. But again–of all the public figures, how did they come up with Einstein?

Would Freud stand there in his underwear holding his leathers? Now THIS is the magnetic guy for me. He comes with his own couch, so he can analyze me–or even Riley–when the need arises.  Also I hear he’s got a corset, fishnet stockings and a Mohawk haircut. Tattoos. It boggles the mind to think of choosing an outfit and accessories for him every day.  Wouldn’t it be fun?

You’ve created a monster! How many times have we said that? Now, we can actually do it, with seal flippers, dog heads and all sorts of awful body parts. Yes, the horror fans among us can actually write our own horror story on our refrigerators. But who would want to?

The makers of these genius products also offer us the opportunity to dress Elvis (I can already see his wardrobe), Sarah Palin (“Going Vogue” is a cute slogan but really, I can’t stand her and would be tempted to put seal fins and a dog head on her), Obamarama (although seeing magnetic Prez bare-chested in his skivvies freaks me out) and my very favorite: OMG: Design your own God. That kit comes with Ganesha, Tlingit Eagle, Zeus and even Flying Spaghetti Monster.

What I don’t see is a “You’ve Created a Monster Dick Cheney Magnet Set.”  Now THAT’S one I could buy into. And buy.

The next time you hear someone say “I can’t come up with a new business idea!” just mention these. Because really, there’s no end to entrepreneurial genius.

Or maybe it’s madness, I don’t know.

18 comments on “Genius. Just … genius.
  1. Joy Christi says:

    Oh, those are TOO FUNNY! I love that the shirt on the cover of the Jesus kit is a tie-dyed shirt! You know he would dress like a hippy today 🙂 As a recovering Catholic, that kit and the “Jesus Shaves” mug are even MORE funny after the total SUPER SERIOUS nature of my Catholic school teachers, you DID NOT joke about that stuff! Making all the more funny for my generation.
    I can tell you why (most likely) they picked Einstein! I read somewhere that he had ALL THE SAME shirts and pants hanging in his closet. He wore the exact same thing EVERY DAY so he didn’t have to waste time picking things out, and thinking about what matched. I really love that idea, too! Once I find a pair of comfy pants that look socially acceptable (thank all the gods for stretchy jeans!) I want to wear that EXACT pair every day! I’m always tempted to go back and buy 7 pair of the same jeans and Einstein it up! Great post.

  2. Karen says:

    LOVE. As someone who currently owns a Holy Hand Grenade (from Monty Python & the Holy Grail) and a working, jiggling, chattering tribble (Star Trek original series), not to mention a collection of bobblehead dolls and 3 solar-powered Queens + accompanying corgis….well, need I go on? This would definitely be right up my alley, is all I’m saying.

  3. Hysterical. Just what I needed this morning!

  4. This is great fun, Carol!! Love it.

  5. Lana says:

    How come I never come up with these great ideas!

  6. Can you mix and match the outfits between sets? That would be extra fun.

  7. D. A. Wolf says:

    Ha! These are very funny! And I much prefer this idea to, say… pet rocks!

  8. Tammy says:

    I had a collection of paper dolls and Archie comic books. This is the best of both worlds. Ah, geesh, born too late….again! Fun stuff!

  9. Paper dolls where so great!

  10. Lisha Fink says:

    I don’t ever want to hear again that one of my million dollar ideas is crazy. Now excuse me, I’m off to order the Einstein magnets to add to our array of Einstein collectibles.

  11. Diane says:

    I keep saying I’ve seen it all. I keep getting proved wrong. 🙂

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