Why we love

February 27, 2016


In this month of love, here’s a quote on the gift of love by Dr. Love himself, Leo Buscaglia, PhD. His definition of love–and why we love–is, itself, a gift of love.

I was his fan early on. This interesting man was a college professor at the University of Southern California, an author and a motivational speaker whose topic was love. The catalyst for his life’s work was the suicide of one of his students, which led him to consider human disconnectedness and the meaning of life. His thought process led him to, what else, but the gift of love.

He was a warm and compelling speaker often seen on PBS. Dr.Buscaglia died in 1998 with so much still left to offer, but his writing lives on in his 14 books, many articles and a website dedicated to him. I know you’ve seen his wise and thoughtful quotes many times; they’re usually unattributed, so today, few remember the man behind them. But I do. I remember him well.

In this month of love and every month, why not ponder his thought on the gift of love?

5 comments on “Why we love
  1. Sofia B says:

    I really like the quote! Thanks for sharing it with us. (Made my heart happy!)

  2. Barbara says:

    I was a fan of his early on. I’ve read some of his books and love them. We really need to get back to this mindset, or to use the title of a Marianne Williamson book, Return to Love.

  3. Loved the man and his work. I believe human disconnectedness is real, continues to grow, and is why this world is in the mess it’s in today. We have so many choices every day; giving love and lots of hugs are just a few and we don’t do it often enough.
    Love ya.

  4. WendysHat says:

    This is a beautiful thought!

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