Gifts that cost nothing

December 18, 2012

Here’s a gift that doesn’t cost a cent: a compliment.
It surprises me how few times we think of saying something nice to another.
Making someone feel good costs us nothing.

Among our friends:
“Your skin is just glowing!”
“Your home is always so warm and cozy.”
“You make the best lentil soup!”
“I love the way that dress looks on you.”
“Where did you find those adorable boots?”
Among our colleagues:
“You raised some great points in that meeting.”
“That was a difficult customer. You dealt with him so skillfully.”
“Thanks for getting me that report–I really appreciate having it so soon.”
To strangers in a store:

“Your daughter is so polite!”
and who ever gets tired of:
“What a cute baby!”
Numerous occasions to say something nice arise on any day of our lives
and yet, sometimes we just fail to take the time to say it.
Maybe we were cut off by a driver in the grocery parking lot
or encountered a surly retail clerk.
Or we’re getting sick.
Maybe the day just hasn’t gone well.
Lots of things can pollute a day.
Why not turn your day around and give a gift that costs you nothing?
Say something nice to someone every day.
It can change their day …
…and your own.
7 comments on “Gifts that cost nothing
  1. Stephanie says:

    I look forward to your words and insight everyday. Maybe because you express the sentiments I have felt at one time, the practices I keep or new thoughts to mull over. Thank you. Have a very Merry Christmas time.

  2. Anonymous says:

    You looked marvelous last night!Fire alarms become you.

  3. Ellen Dolgen says:

    Thanks for such a nice post

  4. Thanks, Stephanie! Anon, clearly you weren’t on the street last night to see me in my jammies and scrunchy! Ellen, so nice of you! 😉 Thanks for the compliments!! Hope all of you have a merry one….

  5. I love being able to compliment a parent on how well behaved their children are. But I will say more times than not they are so worried about them acting out or just being a “kid” that they are in total shock when I say something nice about how they are being JUST FINE!
    Thanks for reminding us that sometimes these are gifts that are totally unexpected – yet “free”

  6. Janie Emaus says:

    I definitely believe in saying nice things. I compliment someone everyday.

  7. it’s amazing that the power of words has so much more power than so many things do! I try to compliment older people who don’t hear so many compliments.

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  1. […] finally, gifts that cost nothing, right here. These gifts are […]

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