Girlfriends & destiny

April 27, 2013
Girlfriends are sisters that destiny forgot to give you.
Oh, I’m not so sure that destiny forgets much.
So it has to be purposeful. 
March came in like both a lion and a lamb,
with an aborted visit to my favorite Tampa women friends.
We share a certain understanding, a kinship, these women and I,
and it makes being in each other’s company a particular joy.
This year I didn’t think I could manage a trip,
given school and other responsibilities.
But I missed my sister-friends way too much
and needed a dose of their love and company.
American Airlines didn’t cooperate.
In February, one of my favorite sister-friends was away two weeks
Since I talked to her daily and saw her at least a few times each week
her vacation left a definite void.

I’ve not been lucky in the sister department,
but I have definitely been VERY lucky when it comes to sister-friends.

And that,
I believe,
is no accident.

2 comments on “Girlfriends & destiny
  1. Oh, yes, sister-friends make our lives SO much richer. I hope you are able to get together with yours in the near future.

    How lucky to have them!

  2. Sheila Withum says:

    How lucky I am to be your sister-friend. LOVE the new site and blog. You keep goin’ girl!
    Love YOU to the moon and back!

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