God is calling

July 8, 2009

Last week I ran across some CDs I hadn’t played in a while, so I slid one into the car’s player. It was John Tesh doing contemporary praise and worship at Red Rocks. As the familiar tunes blared from my speakers, I realized that I hadn’t been in touch with my spiritual life lately and that I’ve missed it.

Over the past couple of years, I’ve worked around God stuff quite a bit, and to my surprise, found it satisfying. Yes, man (and woman) have feet of clay, but God’s amazing works have never been clearer in my life and that of those around me.

As my remarriage date approaches,I am still amazed at the miraculous turn my life has taken. I hear FLH’s familiar voice, look at his face and think: How did this happen?

The only answer is God. It’s the only answer.

Music has always had a spiritual connection for me. So the message I got when I heard the Red Rocks CD was a visceral recognition of the void in my life.

God’s phone number appeared on my caller ID and I realized how much I’ve missed Him in recent months.

It’s time to renew my acquaintance with Him, and again give thanks for the many blessings He has bestowed upon me.

One comment on “God is calling
  1. TJ says:

    Great post.

    I’ll be catching up on your blog today. The last I could see was April 6th. I thought you were already on a long honeymoon. 🙂

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