Good deeds done daily

January 22, 2014

One good deed day

This seems like a worthy goal, doesn’t it?

A good deed could be as simple as letting someone turn onto a street in front of you.

Suggesting someone with fewer groceries go ahead in line.

Or doing a chore for someone else.

It could be giving a few bucks to a homeless person on the street.

Applying to foster a pet.

Taking a neighbor to the doctor.

Visiting with a shut in.

I didn’t want to make it a resolution, but I am trying to do this.

One good deed a day: not so hard.

But the cumulative effect if we all do this?


13 comments on “Good deeds done daily
  1. Jennifer Steck says:

    This is such a little thing on one hand, Carol, and such a big thing on the other. A kind word or a smile can tell a person they are respected and someone cares about them when they need just a glimpse to get them through the day. I admire your commitment to making the world a better place one good deed at a time. I’ve been trying to cut people slack, to be more patient and to look people in the eyes when we cross paths. It’s amazing how much better it makes me feel, too.

    • admin says:

      It shouldn’t be so hard for us to remember to cut people slack, but our busy world has a cost and that’s part of it. Maybe one at a time we can make a difference!

  2. It’s the cumulative, and widespread effect that’s so powerful. It changes us, as much as it benefits the world, to work toward this goal daily. And there is no shortage of opportunity to do the tiniest thing that can turn someone’s day around, every single day. My mother raised us with this belief: “You can afford to be generous”. Thank you for this reminder.

  3. I try to do this every day, but I am glad you wrote about it. Putting this into words is so powerful. Thanks for doing it, Carol.

  4. I have found that there is no better way to get out of my own head and problems then to reach out to another person, even if it’s smiling at someone online, or holding a door. Thanks for the great reminder!

    • admin says:

      Yes, it’s something therapists tell people with depression. In fact, 30 years ago, it was advice I was given after my husband left me and I was completely in the dumps.

  5. You are so right …imagine what a wonderful change we could make. Years ago I decided to look people in the eye more and smile–the waitress, store clerks, people who didn’t expect you to do so.. that has made a small difference for me and the recipient. Lessening invisibility.
    Agreeing with all the other comments, the doing of good deeds is powerful.

    • admin says:

      Just a little change like that makes a huge difference! I try to stifle my annoyance in grocery stores, etc and greet clerks, etc. A small thing, but something I can do while shopping to make the day better for everyone.

  6. Love the idea…one good deed…one kind word…just one a day can make such a difference!!

  7. Diane says:

    It’s so true! Simple. But very, very effective! Thank you for the push today!

  8. Karen says:

    I absolutely agree, Carol. I don’t keep track or anything, but I do make an effort to be kind to as many people as I possibly can in my daily life…strangers and family alike. I feel like it’s my small way of contributing to a better place.

  9. “Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change.”-Bob Kerrey.
    Carol, this is a good reminder for us to be more mindful of how we spend our time each day. Even a smile can be kind, a ‘thank you,’ a hug. Two second’s, that’s all it takes sometimes.
    PS> I love the cover of that journal, makes one smile and feel happy.

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