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It might surprise you but I completely agree! Yes, I talk about amplifying and turning up the noise on your life. The thing that makes that work for me is that I do that within the context of my life as it is today. Here is what I preach: Fill in all the color on what you already do. Be there. Be present. Be in that moment. That moment is where I see I am enough. That moment also holds the elements that show me how to be a more colorful, joyful me – and many times, that leads me down the path to travel or volunteer or embrace my work/purpose. Or sometimes, that moment prompts me to explore what lives in those corners of my mind that I have yet to discover! I do wonder if those who want to add stuff are missing their moments by looking beyond them…. What do you say wise woman?
Read and shared, Carol. Nice post! And yes, I agree–many of us need to turn down the volume (of stuff coming at us), while we amp up the part that enjoys who and what and where we are right at this moment.
Right on Carol. I couldn’t agree more my friend!
Bang On, Carol! Loved your write! And I completely agree too 🙂
This is something I struggle with all the time. I feel like I need to constantly be “doing” something, or I start to feel lazy or guilty. I am training myself to ease up a bit and understand that it’s ok to take time out of each day to do something just to enjoy it, not to be productive.
I agree we all have something we could work on! We will always be a work in progress! Great Post thanks for sharing!
I am less ambitious in some ways than when I was a young adult. Survival seems like a great achievement to me on most days.
I’m about as amped up as safely acceptable. I have no problem disregarding any offer, challenge or question that would bring me to try just one more thing to make my life better. My life is pretty wonderful just like it is. Yup, I’m enough!
The world’s also full of advertising telling us to buy products and services. It’s okay to decide you don’t need these products and services and just let the ads go right past you the same way it’s okay to decide that you don’t need to do more in spite of the suggestions. There will ALWAYS be something telling us to do/be/buy more. Just let them roll off.
There are only so many hours in the day, and it’s important to know our limits. I’m working on that.
oh my gosh! I don’t have enough hours in the day to amp things up. I’m at at 6 and when my feet hit the floor I’m off and going. Maybe they know some lazy folks and think we are all like that lol. Great point and post! Will share for sure!
I completely agree. At this stage in life, surely we have the right to tune out the cacophony of demands and concentrate more on the things we enjoy – without guilt!