Graffiti in Sicily

October 21, 2014

Where there is a blank wall, there is a need to fill it. Obviously, this need to make a mark holds true worldwide, and it seems to be any kind of mark, no matter how unintelligible.

Or unintelligent.

While some graffiti really does look like what I would call art (although some would argue that all graffiti is art) sometimes, it’s just scribbling. At least to me.

But it represents our need to say we were there, even as the clock ticks forever onward.

graff ortigia

Ortigia is the historical center of the city of Siracusa. This tagger felt the city needed to be labeled. In case we forgot where we were.

graff pierodi

He wants to tell us that Pierodi is from Ortigia. In case there’s any question.


graff quartiere

Pretty much “power to Ortigia!”

That’s an original thought!

2014-10-12 18.53.45I saw very few in this style, but we see a lot of these in the U.S.

2014-10-12 18.50.13

Yes, Gabriele lives. Well, at least Gabriele lived at the time the tag was painted.

I don’t know why it’s never occurred to me to tag.

2014-10-13 11.23.51

In the city of Palermo.

On glass.

2013-03-02 10.49.31Good advice. In English.

2014-10-13 11.23.39I love the yellow but have no earthly idea what it means. Or unearthly.

graffiti tiamo

A universal.

2014-10-11 19.16.40

Could this be the way Sicilians remove graffiti? 😉

28 comments on “Graffiti in Sicily
  1. Funny and fascinating. All of Italy is magical to me. Wonderful, Carol.

  2. Beth Camp says:

    I loved this post! When we travelled in South America, particularly Chile and Brazil, we saw graffiti and street art everywhere, kind of constructing an alternate reality, with walls full of color. Your post reminds me of this vibrant art.

  3. Karen says:

    I’m not overly fond of tagging, but I’ve seen some graffiti art that just blows me away. Like anything, depends on the artist.

  4. This makes me think of an anonymous quote I’ve returned to again and again since I was a teen: “Everyone must make their mark on the world, even if only a scribble.” Literal scribbles here. Fun to see.

  5. Street art, if one may call graffiti that, always fascinates me, Carol.
    I admire the way you keep your blog going while travelling! Enjoy the rest of your trip.

  6. I laughed right out loud at that last one, Carol. And I’m wondering if the the yellow was just a first draft.

  7. Your last observation made me chuckle. It sounds like my 10 year old when he can’t be bothered to find an eraser with his homework. There is a universal need to be noticed. How great that you recorded these observations on your trip.

  8. WendysHat says:

    Although I’ve seen some beautiful and very artistic street art before, I’ve never undertsood graffiti and think it’s ugly.

  9. Diane says:

    Fill that blank spot! Sometimes artistically. Sometimes not . . .
    Loved this glimpse into Sicilian culture!

  10. Loved this – big believer in art of all forms. Thank you for sharing!

  11. Audrey Van Petegem says:

    Is it a form of art? Should we embrace it? Not sure….I just feel sad when I see graffiti on beautiful ancient buildings. Almost as sad as seeing people etch their names in living trees…

  12. Hi Carol! Yes when we travel overseas we ALL get to see how prevalent graffiti is around the world. Where I live the city comes and cleans it up almost instantly but around the world they just don’t spend the money on it. That’s another one of those things that we take for granted here. One thing I appreciated in southern Mexico was the fact that much of the graffiti was very artistic and not just tagging. Hope you had a good trip and looking forward to other photos as well. ~Kathy

  13. Hailing from New York City, what I consider the capitol of graffiti art, I found that among the ego laden ‘tagging’, lay true art and artists. Thank you for sharing that graffiti abounds world wide. I will take the time and look for it on future trips!

  14. So interesting! You can learn a lot from the graffiti of a place – if you can understand it. If not, well, that last picture is perfect!

  15. I love your travel stories and photos. Please add more. Italy is my favorite place and I hope to go to Sicily some day.

  16. Carolann says:

    Wow that must have been an amazing trip. It’s so interesting to see graffiti in another language.

  17. Nora says:

    It’s like all “art” . Some is beautiful, other is pretty sad

  18. It is amazing the things that are universal!

  19. What a cool way to look at a foreign city!

  20. Ruth Curran says:

    It is everywhere. Sometimes people are brilliant and sometimes they are just plain idiots. I do love this take on a city though Carol!

  21. Lana says:

    Very interesting! Loving this tour of Sicily through your eyes.

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