Another grand adventure of youth

March 8, 2015

nDqvGY1420671632It’s funny, isn’t it, how we look back on our younger days and remember how everything was fresh and new and a grand adventure?

Or so it seemed back then. The grand adventure of youth.

I miss that sense of wonder that all the “firsts” brought me. The first speech I ever wrote for an official. The first real business story I ever published. My first corporate job. The first time I ever saved the day for a client.

The first home I bought by myself and my very own first car. My first husband… (evil grin).  Yes, I remember those firsts well and the excitement I felt as I experienced them.

I hope young people today aren’t too jaded to feel that sense of adventure and that innocence about life.

Business travel in my mid-20s was one of the most interesting and exciting things I did. I taught a week-long course in Tulsa. I traveled to Kentucky for a meeting. And I was in Washington, D.C. at least monthly as I served on a task force for our Governor.

Yes, those were heady days for a young professional and I embraced them with enthusiasm, if not a little naivete.

I’ve blogged about meeting John LeCarre, unknowingly, back in those days, and I promised that I’d share another story about another encounter. Today’s that day.

And HERE it is.


5 comments on “Another grand adventure of youth
  1. Mary Burris says:

    Some days I miss being my adventuresome younger self!

  2. What an interesting meeting, I can imagine what all we can ask the director of CIA!!
    Lovely to read the story and I agree, we must never stop being adventurous.

  3. It sounds like you have had some amazing adventures. You’re so right about the outlook youth gives us, if only we could bottle it and bring it out when cynicism takes over

  4. Carolann says:

    I miss those “firsts” for sure. I still try to experience them…I know exactly what you are saying about the youth of today. It’s so awesome you have had a lot of them!

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